Archive-name: Bondage/misbon.txt Archive-author: Dark Side Inc. Archive-title: Mistress of Bondage PART I Sue placed her coffee cup back on her saucer with a sharp crack and rubbed her eyes vigorously. Reading for a long period of time always made her eyes hurt and the minuscule print of the Sunday Times was even worse. She flicked a lock of auburn hair away from her face and picked the paper up off the table to make sure her exhausted eyes had not deceived her. Then she lounged back in the sofa and reread the advertisement for the third time. "Five thousand pounds." She whispered hesitantly as though the figures would disappear from the page should she speak too loudly. "Five thousand pounds for less than three months work." Sue would have discarded the whole thing as rubbish had it not been offered by a very prestigious London firm, well known for integrity and professionalism. She made two large rings on the paper with a red felt pen and rose from the couch. The sun hit her from the left as she opened the french doors and walked out onto the balcony of her London flat. Her lovely face broke into a smile and she threw her arms back to go into a firm stretch that might shake the cobwebs loose. "You'll have the coppers on your tail if you keep that up, luv," Harry chirped from the street down below. He was getting into his car but had paused to admire the view. "Honestly!" Sue said, smiling down at her handsome neighbor. "You British guys get more thrills from a girl in a nightgown and a pair of panties than one in a bikini." She was really fond of her neighbor. She moved over to the railing and rested her elbows on it. "On you way to work?" "Yeah, if I still have a job. They probably gave it to someone else at 8:01 this morning. How's the Duchess?" "Still asleep." Sue replied. "How late did you keep her out last night?" "Miss Hart, such a question a lady does not ask and a gentleman does not answer." Sue cocked her eyebrow at him. "Two o'clock," Harry said and they both laughed heartily. "Well, there'll be none of that when we go to work." Harry's face brightened even more than usual at the news that Terry and Sue had found summer employment. The girls had arrived in the U.K. last fall to spend a year studying at one of the more fashionable girl's schools and he had grown very close to them. Near the close of the last semester, financial disaster has struck when they wrecked a lease car and had not taken out the proper insurance. "That's just marvelous, Sue but why would they pay five thousand quid for tour guides at an old castle?" Harry asked when she had explained the advertisement. "Well, there must certainly be more to it than that, but Terry and I certainly fit the requirements." Sue continued. "They're looking for young, attractive, intelligent girls with athletic abilities and adventuresome spirits." Harry grinned and winked at her. "So'm I luv, except they needn't be all that intelligent," he quipped. "I really need to push off, Sue. Good luck on those jobs. Tell the Duchess I asked about her." Sue went back into the living room, grabbed the paper and bounced in to Terry's bedroom. Terry's generous mane of blonde hair sprouted elegantly from the inert lump under the covers. Once she had opened the drapes, Sue sat on the bed and nudged her friend on the shoulder. "Wake up, Terry," she said, "we have an answer to our problems." Within a few seconds, Terry had turned over, sat up with a chirpy "good morning" to her friend, and was peering intently at the Sunday Times advertisement. "Boy, Sue," she said, glancing up merrily at her friend, "when you wish for something, you do it right!" Sue laughed and watched as Terry continued reading. The lovely blonde was one of those rare girls who could roll out of bed and onto the cover of a high fashion magazine with nothing more than a toss of her hair. Terry soon came to the same question that Harry asked earlier. It just seemed like too much money for too little work. She was not really concerned, just inquisitive. She knew that Sue probably had things pretty well figured out. "The way the ad reads, they put on more of a show than a tour. I don't know exactly what they want, but I'm sure we can handle it." Sue was always so confident. "But why are you so sure we'll get the jobs, Sue," asked Terry. "Surely they'll get hundreds of applications." "Read the qualifications, Duchess. They're talking about us." Sue's eyes narrowed and lost some of their earlier glint. "Besides, we just have to get the jobs." Terry reached out to touch her shoulder. "Sue, we've been best friends since we were fourteen. You've pulled my buns out of the fire a hundred times and Daddy knows it. He'll pay for the damn car." "Terry, he's already paid for the most exciting year of my life and all I had to do was to keep a lid on you while we were over here." Sue was almost in tears. "Now just look how I repay him." "Come on, Sue," Terry replied, "your friendship is the best thing that ever happened to me. You don't owe me or my father anything. Besides, it wasn't your fault the road was so slippery. Now would you hug me before I start crying too!" They embraced each other tenderly and then Terry picked up the paper again. They both agreed that the job sounded exciting and that they would make application for it right away. Sue extracted the photo album from the nightstand and thumbed through it as she moved toward the door. "What are you looking for?" Terry asked as she threw off her covers. "That picture your brother took of us that summer when we taught gymnastics at camp. They want girls who are athletic and attractive and you have to admit that those leotards didn't hide much. We never looked better. That's the picture I want to send to those people." Terry watched her friend's buttocks shift erotically under her panties as she walked absently through the door. "I swear, Sue, the next time I hug you I'm going to give you a long, juicy kiss right on that beautiful mouth of yours." She sighed and then rose to begin her day. ************************************************************************* "Mr. Carney?" Lady Miranda Thorne's voice hung in the telephone so softly as to be nearly inaudible, but Lawrence Carney had become accustom ed to it. He had never seen her in the last six years that he and his firm had handled her business affairs, but her thin, wispy voice over the telephone had been worth thousands. For that reason, he was always glad to hear from her even if she was a trifle unnerving. "So nice to hear from you again, Lady Miranda, what can I do for you?" Her reply caused him to snatch his glasses from his face and throw them on the desk. "But you can't have made your decision so soon, Lady Miranda. That first batch I sent you had but nine applications. I posted dozens more only an hour ago. They should reach you the day after tomorrow." He was dumbfounded. "Notwithstanding your herculean efforts, Mr. Carney, I'm irrevocably convinced that Miss McArdle and Miss Hart will be perfect for my situation. Please issue suitable instructions and have them here by three o'clock this afternoon." Lady Miranda had a habit of expecting the impossible. "This afternoon?" Carney almost shouted into the phone. "But, they'll have to release their flat, or sublet it or something, and then there's..." "I know what you can do, Mr. Carney," she replied, "three o'clock please." MISTRESS OF BONDAGE Part II "Oh look, Sue," Terry bubbled when the castle came into view. "Isn't it simply delicious?" The towers and the walls of the imposing structure were indeed breathtaking, but Sue was somewhat underwhelmed. After all, Terry was the most romantic and adventuresome of the pair. Sue was just in it for the money. "I just hope its comfortable," she replied dryly. "Not to worry, Miss," said the driver without looking back. "It may look tiresome on the outside, but I'm told it has all the comforts of Buckingham Palace." "Do you live around here, driver?" Sue asked. "No, Miss," he replied. "that's what Mr. Carney told me. When you come to it, Miss, I'm just an expensive cabby he hired to drive you here." "That Mr. Carney," Terry laughed, "he's such an old bore for a young man. When he told us we'd have to live at the castle all summer, he acted as though it would be a downer. He's crazy. Living here will be a dream." "Maybe so, Duchess," said Sue, "but he was smart enough to show me the escrow agreement showing our money on deposit in the bank. All we have to do is pick it up when we leave the castle. I wouldn't have come otherwise." The driver pulled up short when the limousine reached the thick stone wall and then got out to use the telephone at the end of the gate. The girls both noted the absence of any markings on the road thus far and on the walls. There was a monument, some three feet high, on which were carved the words "CASTLE THORNE". As the driver returned to the car, the iron bars of the gate rose into the air to the mechanical tune of gears and pulleys in need of lubrication. They were still a half a mile from the castle proper and both girls gazed out the windows to view their surroundings as they passed by. Terry was treated to the sight of a lush, verdant forest area so dense she could barely see past the first tree. Then there was the soft, mirror-like lake. Sue's vague sense of caution was further fueled as she looked out over the tombs and monuments of a graveyard. They wound around a circular driveway and stopped in front of the huge castle and the driver got out to unload the baggage. They looked puzzled when nobody came out to greet them. "Where are you going?" Sue asked the driver as he got back into the car. "Someone will be out presently, Miss," he said. "I talked to her on the phone at the gate." With that, he sped away leaving them alone. One of the tall oak doors creaked open and an inspiring figure of a woman emerged. She was blonde, very pretty and as big as a girl could be and still remain feminine. As she moved toward them with outstretched hands, Sue fought an instinct to hide her eyes. The woman was wearing a pair of white shorts, a pair of sandals and absolutely nothing else. "Welcome to Castle Thorne!" she said, taking Terry's hand. Terry was mesmerized by the woman's bare globular breasts and almost forgot to return the greeting. "Thank you," she said demurely. "You too, Miss Hart. My name is Helga. I do the cooking around here, along with various other services to the Mistress. We're happy to have you here, girls, and I must say that your pictures really did not do you justice. You're both stunning." "Thank you, Helga, you're very kind," said Sue. This woman's demeanor was endearing and her ear-to-ear smile seemed to radiate sunshine. She was nearly a full head taller than either of them and they were amazed when she hoisted all four suitcases at the same time. She caught Terry glancing at her breasts again and smiled at her pleasantly. "I like to wear as little as possible," Helga said by way of explanation. "It's good for the body and I like to be good to my body. That's one reason I took this position. The weather's pleasant and we're very isolated here." "Sounds absolutely delightful to me!" Terry chirped as the trio ascended the steps leading to the door. Helga encouraged her. "Feel free, Miss McArdle. It feels wonderful!" she said. Terry quickly removed her white satin blouse and bra and then draped her long blonde tresses modestly over her breasts. Helga set down the luggage in the foyer and introduced the new arrivals to Yvette who was coming down the grand staircase carrying a silver tea set. She was much smaller than the cook and just as beautiful, though in a more petite, delicate way. Her hair was short and black, and her figure was as slim as those fashion models whose legs look like those of children. She was more dressed than the cook, though her maid's uniform was skimpy and quite flashy. "Bon jour," she said pleasantly, setting the tea service down on a sideboard. They exchanged a few amenities as Terry and Sue tried to drink in the breathtaking level of luxury. This room was larger than their entire flat and it was only the foyer. "Perhaps our newest staff members would like to see some of the more interesting rooms while I put their luggage in the bedroom. Yvette, why don't you take them to one of the dungeons," Helga ordered, taking Terry's blouse and bra for her. "Oui, Madame Helga. This way Mademoiselles," Yvette replied. Terry grabbed her friend's arm. "Isn't this exciting, Sue?" Sue didn't answer and Terry wouldn't have heard her in any case. The authenticity of the stone corridors was impressive as they made their way by torchlight down into the delves of the castle. "Voila!" Yvette exclaimed in her charming Gaelic accent when the reached the first dungeon. Terry bounded in like a kid in a candy store and fluttered from one punishment device to another in quick succession. Sue smoothed her skirt down over her hips and likewise perused over the place though somewhat more thoughtfully. Terry held up a pair of steel manacles and sprouted an impish grin. "May I try them on, Yvette?" she asked. "But of course, Mademoiselle," replied the maid, and then clamped the lovely blonde schoolgirl's wrists behind her back. Terry almost shuddered at the feel of cold steel on her bare skin. Immediately she felt terribly vulnerable and curiously erotic. Her naked breasts were forced out from behind her hair by the position of her arms and they were totally without protection. "Help!" she cried in mock despair, "save me from the Black Prince!" She was playing, true enough, but her nipples had grown rigid. Sue started to go along. "Yeah, Duchess," she quipped, "I'm afraid handsome white knights are like cops. When you really need one, where the hell are they?" They both laughed as Yvette came toward Terry with another metal contraption. She explained that the Black Prince cared little to hear the cries of captive young girls while he ate, so such problems would have to be solved with the brank. Then the maid asked if she would like to try it on as well. "Oh please, Yvette!" she replied, even after Sue shot her a disapproving glance, "I'd simply love to!" The device was made of very thin steel straps, the widest of which circled the mouth and was adjustable at the back of the head. The young blonds closed her eyes as Yvette closed the thing around her head and locked the steel collar around her neck with a small padlock. "This will keep you spirit in tow, Mademoiselle Terry," Yvette said as she worked with the brank. "Oh Sue," Terry bubbled, "it feels so excimmmmmffff!" "And this," Yvette continued as she adjusted the steel gag strap and the chin bar firmly against Terry's mouth, "will keep you silent." "MMMFFF!" Terry tried to shout. Her eyes were dancing with merriment, not fear, so Sue made no protest yet. But she felt the situation growing awkward when Yvette produced another steel brank and came toward her. "Mademoiselle Sue?" she asked in her sweet, pixie voice. "Maybe later," Sue replied. "MAYBE NOW!" Helga's commanding voice came from behind Sue as a pair of strong hands grasped her wrists and pulled them up behind her back to her shoulders. She had no time to protest. A short, girlish grunt was all she could get out before the cage was fixed firmly to her head and her lips pressed tightly against her teeth by the steel gagstrap. She struggled only for a moment before relaxing in Helga's obviously superior grip. A nod from the buxom cook and Yvette unzipped Sue's dress and pulled it down over her hips. A minute later and all of her clothes, save her high heels, were piled at her feet, and her wrists were being manacled together above her naked buttocks. "MMMFFF!" Terry tried again to make noise, but to no avail. This time, she was serious. Soon her slacks and panties were removed and she too stood naked but for her footwear and steel. She could not understand the calm resignation in Sue's eyes since she herself was beginning to get concerned. But Sue had been expecting something unusual for the money they were getting and this seemed to be it. Helga faced the girls and began to speak as the maid brought more steel bondage equipment over. "Ladies, I trust you'll get used to this since it will be your lot for quite some time. The Mistress will explain more about your situations this evening, but for now, you must trust me." Yvette was placing chastity belts on them which were made of steel and shaped like hearts in front. They also featured cold steel straps running up between their buttocks in the rear. They grunted as the devices were locked impossibly tight around their waists. "It is imperative," Helga continued, "that you know how it feels to be kidnapped, To be enslaved. To be in bondage. I'll leave you to gather your thoughts for a few hours, ladies. You shan't be disturbed. Come, Yvette." The petite maid finished locking still more steel equipment on their ankles and then left with Helga. By now, Terry realized that it was useless to try to speak, but she searched Sue's eyes in vain for some sign of the fear she was experiencing. Sue simply smiled back at her reassuringly with her eyes and then closed them in a serious attempt to relax. Terry was still confused, but if Sue wasn't afraid, then she would follow her friend's cue. After all, she had looked to Sue for the answers all through high school and Sue had always come through. The sea breeze floated in through the barred window and brought the warming afternoon sun with it. With her eyes still closed, Sue stretched and contorted herself to release any kinks and then settled in for the duration. Her beautiful blonde friend, who always had found her attractive, now sensed an exotic, erotic feeling in staring at her lush, nude body with all the metal binding it and making it vulnerable. "Sue," she thought, "you look absolutely delicious tonight in that outfit." ************************************************************************* MISTRESS OF BONDAGE PART III Yvette was gentle with the girls as she prodded them through another torchlit tunnel later on that evening, yet the trip was difficult. The chains and other metal articles binding them were not particularly heavy, but trying to walk on rough stone floors in high heels with their extremities chained up proved to be an arduous task. The wicked clanging of their bonds combined with the vulnerability of their nakedness produced a twinge of fear in Terry and Sue that was both exhilarating and erotic at the same time. And they were tired, so terribly tired. The chains that had bound their necks to the dungeon walls had allowed freedom of movement, but that did not include laying down. They had been captives for more than five hours and, by then, just walking unfettered would have been exhaustive. Yvette had to help them up the steps to the chamber where they would meet their Mistress. Like the foyer, this chamber was lavishly furnished and huge. When Yvette left them, the girls just stood still and looked at the stone carvings and the tapestry work. "CRACK!" They darted their gaze toward the blazing fireplace at the far end of the chamber where they perceived a lady sitting in a queen anne chair facing away from them. They could see only the back of her head and part of a booted leg, but it was apparent that she was incredibly tall. When she rose and began walking toward them, both Terry and Sue immediately decided that this was the most beautiful woman they had ever seen. She was even slightly taller than Helga though not quite so busty or brawny. Her elegantly coiffured blonde hair shimmered with a ghostly silver flame about her face. Her features were Celtic fresh and her smile was lovely, though measured. Her eyes were absolutely riveting. They seemed less like eyes than like blank windows, out of which peered a lost little girl. Her lithe, womanly figure could have not been better sculpted by Michelangelo and she used it well as she undulated toward them. Her stunning costume of black leotards, thigh length boots & leather gloves impressed the wide-eyed girls. She stopped in the middle of the room and slapped her riding crop against her boot with another sharp crack. Terry & Sue were jerked out of their stupor and Terry, who was still terribly confused, stepped in front of Sue and glared defiantly at their hostess. With her feet planted firmly on the floor and her breasts thrust forward, the young blonde captive presented quite a spectacle herself. The Mistress rested her riding crop in her free hand and gave the spunky slave an appreciative glance. "MMMMMM" she said in a low, velvet purr which was soft as a butterfly. "You are Theresa McArdle." The Mistress was suitably impressed. Sue moved forward to stand beside her friend. "And you must be Susan Hart." Her voice was so soft that they could hardly hear her. They nodded toward their hostess in unison. "I am Lady Miranda Thorne. You may think of me as the owner of this castle and your employer, but soon you will come to know me as your Mistress. I shall treat you carefully and lovingly for the next few months, but I shall indeed have control over your existence. I shall dominate your movements, your training, your comfort levels--yes, eventually even your thoughts." Terry and Sue looked at each other and then back at their Mistress as she continued her barely audible presentation. "Part of the tourist attraction here is the legend of two Arabian princesses who were held captive for ransom in this castle some eight centuries ago. As tour guides, Susan and Theresa, you will play the part of those princesses. You will lead the tours in bondage wearing several different costumes which I have already had made to your measurements. For some special tours, you may even be nude as you are now. I also plan to have some exclusive showings of the bondage devices and torture equipment downstairs in the dungeons. You ladies will be involved in those as well." Again, the girls glanced at one another to gauge their mutual reactions, but they had not yet learned to communicate with their eyes. Lady Miranda tilted her head and gave out a hearty laugh which sounded like it came from the next room. "That won't be for a few weeks, girls, and besides; I shan't force you to do any of these things. You'll be put through a rigorous training schedule for a few days and then, when I'm absolutely confident that you two are right for my purposes, you'll be given an opportunity to leave. What could be more fair?" "Before and after that time, you will be my captive princesses-- subject to my every whim. I shall not compromise you in any way, but I shall push you to the limits of endurance." Lady Miranda tugged on a bell rope hanging from the wall and continued. "I do think we're to have a grand association, Susan and Theresa. I can see that even though you are frightened, the concept of slavery to me is not altogether unwelcome. I watched your nipples grow rigid as I spoke." Terry & Sue glanced down at their breasts and saw that she was right. Yvette arrived then and the Mistress told her to see to the girl's bodily needs and then put them up for the night. They were relieved to hear that they would soon be permitted to rest, but their hearts sank when, some thirty minutes later, they saw their accommodations for the evening. "My god, you've got to be kidding!" Sue thought when she spied the two steel cages suspended by chains from the ceiling. Yvette made her kneel and attached her collar to her ankles while she stripped Terry of her encumbrances. All EXCEPT the brank. The maid then undid some locks on the evil thing and the back of the cage fell away to the side. "Mademoiselle will step up into the cage now, s'il vous plait." she said. Her small, childlike hands grabbed Terry's arms and helped her step up on the minuscule platform, no wider than her feet, which was the bottom of the cage. Then she stood on a stool and, clasping Terry by the head, manipulated it until some strategically placed little fittings on her brank slid firmly into slots located in the top of the cage. Terry felt a sharp click and a slight pain in her head as the brank was locked tightly into the top of the cage. "MMMFFF!" she wined and her eyes widened when she realized that her head had literally become part of the cage. "Mademoiselle Terry will kindly place her hands on her derriere, palms outward." Yvette commanded. Terry felt the maid's hands pushing her farther into the cage until her breasts protruded through the steel straps in front. Soon she heard the hinges swing and felt the cool steel bands encircling and encasing every inch of her naked flesh. Yvette pulled the cage together and tightened until Terry's hips and thighs felt as though they were in a vise. Then there was another sharp click and Yvette busied herself adjusting the metal straps to conform all around Terry's body. A pull here and a shove there, and the poor schoolgirl was completely immobile. She could move nothing on her entire body save her eyes and her fingertips. "Voila!" exclaimed Yvette merrily and spun the victim around in her cage. Terry caught sight of the maid's sardonic smile with each revolution and the reality of her situation hit home. She was no longer a person but a thing; and ornament; a new toy for Lady Miranda. The cage finally stopped spinning and, by stretching her eyes as far left as possible, she was able to watch as the same fate was meted out to Sue. When both Terry and Sue were permanently ensconced in their cages, Yvette bid them farewell and left them alone. They could barely see each other out of the corners of their eyes. Only the occasional creaking of the chains reminded them that they were still together. Within and hour, every bone in their bodies ached and they had grown numb in two. Impossible as it may have seemed to them at first, sheer exhaustion allowed the poor, tortured captives to fall into merciful slumber. In the morning, Terry and Sue were immediately reminded that they were nothing but inanimate playthings. They were awakened by the sound of Yvette tidying up the chamber. Presently, she took a feather duster and whisked it all over their nude, imprisoned bodies. She moved up close behind Terry and, as she fluttered the duster playfully around her breasts, her fingers pinched the poor girl cruelly on the bottom. She laughed out loud as poor Terry tried to whine in pain through the gagstrap. Their morning ablutions completed, Terry & Sue were taken to the scullery in chains and fed. This brought a most welcome respite from the hideous steel branks that had tortured their heads and mouths since the moment they had arrived. Helga appeared presently with a plate for each of them looking like a magnificent Nordic goddess. Her sexy, muscular physique was completely naked and her lovely blonde hair was arranged coquettishly on top of her head. "Good morning, ladies," she said. "I trust you caught a few hours sleep." Terry moved her head as if to speak, but Helga cut off her words. "No Miss McArdle, you are not permitted to speak. Your brank was removed to allow for your meal, but you are to remain silent for now." The mealtime passed all too quickly for the captives and they were immediately locked up in their branks again when it was over. Then their wrists were re-manacled behind their backs and attached by very short chains to their metal collars. Yvette came down the stairs to eat and the girls glanced at her as they were led away. They entered a large chamber which was bare of furnishings save for two steel monstrosities which appeared to be grotesque hobby horses. Helga explained that they were `training' mounts and prodded Sue toward one of them. In one shocking move, Helga scooped the young brunette up in her arms and placed her on one of the steel saddles with a flair. "MMMMFFFF!" Sue whimpered when she felt the cold steel against her bare buttocks. Terry watched with growing admiration as the blonde amazon clamped Sue's ankles into ankle cuffs fixed to the base of the horse. When it was her turn, she almost welcomed Helga's arms around her. When both of the girls were in place on their steeds, Helga locked large metal rings around their waists and chained them to the horses for further stability. "I hope you enjoyed breakfast, girls, and that you ate well. You are to remain here until dinnertime." Helga's words went straight through their hearts. They were expecting some sort of discomfort as part of their training; but all day? "Come now, Miss Hart," Helga went on, " you needn't look so desolate. Young squires no more than twelve years old sat on these very steeds all day long for weeks at a time to encourage a sense of balance and poise while mounted in battle. And they had to hold shields and weapons as well." Then she added, "Of course, their wrists weren't chained to their necks." She blew a kiss at the girls and then moved toward the door. Both Terry and Sue had to admire their jailer's body as her buttocks shifted sensuously to and fro. The door closed and the poor captives were alone again to ponder and endure their slavery. The hours ticked by slowly and painfully--first one, then two, and then who knows how many? Terry was the first to grow weary and began to fall over. Pain shot down her imprisoned ankle and her chains rattled sharply as she straightened up in the saddle. She looked over to Sue and noticed that her friend was shedding a tear. As the hours dragged on, they warned each other with a shrill whine, or by rattling their chains, when one or the other began to fall over. And when at last they were taken down from the horses, fed and chained up in the dungeon as they had been the previous day, they realized that they had made it through the ordeal by stamina, cooperation and genuine friendship. Even chained up tight as a drum, they were able to maneuver their bonds and their bodies to a position which allowed them to sit next to each other. Terry rested her head on Sue's shoulder and they enjoyed a few hours sleep. Around ten o'clock, Yvette led them from the dungeon to the room with the hanging cages and their sighs of disappointment almost drowned out the sound of approaching rain. This time, however, they relaxed their naked bodies against the bars of the cage and worked themselves into something that approached comfort. When Yvette came in at midnight to build up a fire against the dropping temperature, they were both sound asleep. MISTRESS OF BONDAGE PART IV "Oh, how lovely!" Sue thought as she and Terry were led outside after breakfast the next morning. They had not seen daylight for two days and the morning air tasted sweet in their nostrils. Helga was her usual cheerful self, dressed in nothing more than an apron as she pranced in front of her captives. When she stopped the procession and removed all the chains and other steel bindings from the girls bodies, they nearly leapt for joy. Terry smiled gratefully at the cook as she rubbed the slight red indentations from her limbs. "Do not hold too dearly to your comfort, girls, your training is far from complete," she said. "Please move on ahead of me." The naked schoolgirls made their way into a clearing and saw two poles imbedded in the lawn near the beehives. They each had crossbeams at the top and looked like two huge parrot perches. Terry and Sue realized at once that these two wooden gibbets were for them. Again they were lifted off the ground by the impressive Helga and tied to the crosses with many lengths of rope. All of their weight rested on their shoulders and the ropes cut viciously into their flesh. It was strenuous and very painful, but there was one bright spot. They were gagged with lengths of cloth pulled tightly between their teeth and not with the horrible branks. Again, it was a punishment they would have to endure all day, but they had learned to pace themselves. They settled into their lot with a few bodily manipulations and then closed their eyes. Helga stared approvingly at Sue who was the first to stop squirming. The contours of her breasts protruded defiantly out from her chest to reach the sun. "How lovely," Helga mused under her breath and went back inside the castle to continue her work. She emerged again later on in the afternoon to check on her lonely slaves and to add some spice to their training. Both Terry and Sue had their eyes closed against the midday sun and were breathing heavily through their nostrils. Their firm, smooth bodies glistened in the sun and they looked like brilliant gemstones in sensuous display. Helga moved up to Terry who was whimpering faintly through her gag with each breath. She pinched the sexy blonde on the thigh to arouse her and then produced what was clearly a jar of honey. The poor schoolgirl quickly flashed to the significance of the nearby beehives and tried to scream through the cloth which was stuffed into her mouth. Her screams were muffled but clear enough to rouse Sue, who twisted her head painfully to see what was going on. Helga dipped a brush into the honey and began smearing the rich, gooey substance all over Terry's heaving bosoms. She lingered over the nipples and kept glancing up at her eyes as she covered both breasts completely. Then she brushed copious amounts of honey on the young girl's rib cage, tummy and then slapped each hip with the brush. Terry's eyes darted over to the beehives as Helga kissed her on the buttock and moved over to Sue. She covered the brunette's chest quickly with honey and, to Sue's curiosity, added a generous extra dab to her left nipple. "Goodness," Helga said with a sunshine smile, "that's too much." With that, she stood on tiptoes and brought her lips up to the schoolgirl's dripping breast. She gently clamped her soft smile over the slave's nipple and sucked the excess honey into her mouth with a slow, undulating movement. Then she let go of the nipple with a wet popping sound and winked at her. Sue might have pondered this curious attention had she not been listening to Terry's futile attempts at screaming. They each then watched frightfully as the swarming bees sallied further and further from their hives with each circle. Terry's whimpering grew more frenzied as the insects drew nearer to their naked vulnerability. Soon the bees were circling all around both of the girls who had shut their eyes as tightly as they could. Many minutes passed as they waited for the sharp singers to pierce their skin, but none came. Sue opened one eye and saw that the bees were all around, but none were landing on their honey smeared bodies. And Helga was enjoying uproarious laughter off to the side. "I mixed insect repellent with the honey, darlings," Helga laughed. The honey brings them here, and the repellent keeps them from landing." Both girls sighed with relief. It was a cruel joke, but one that prepared them for anything. That evening, as Yvette was stuffing them into their cages, they resolved individually to see the program through. They realized that all the people at Castle Thorne were true to their word, if a trifle strange. And, in a way, the firm yet loving way of their captivity was somewhat satisfying in an erotic sense. The next day, the final one of their training, Terry & Sue were expecting the very worst--and did not get it. They were outside again and the only metal on them was the collars around their necks. Helga had them chained by the neck to two wooden stakes placed side by side in the garden. Their lush, nude bodies were secured to the stakes with several lengths of rope and their wrists had been lashed behind their backs. Their gags were again made of cloth as opposed to metal. Helga tested the ropes running above and below Terry's lovely round breasts and stepped back to view the tableau. She told them that even though the bondage was less strenuous, it would be long. They were to remain bound and naked in the garden until midnight without food or water. And there was something else. "Look at the maze, Miss McArdle and Miss Hart," she directed. Their attention focused on a meticulously clipped cluster of hedges some eight feet high. "It seems to go on forever, and legend has it that several people who have entered it have never returned. Supposedly, there's a hideous deformed person who lives nearby and hides in the hedges waiting for unsuspecting wanderers." Helga hooked a fingertip into Terry's gag and brushed lightly against her upper lip. "Of course, we don't believe such garbage do we?" Terry's eyes were wide. Sue's eyes laughed above the gag. No, she certainly did not. Helga left them and they again settled in for the duration. Sue closed her eyes and rested her head back against the wooden stake. Terry spent a little time drinking in her friend's beautiful breasts and hips. She longed to kiss them and touch them--to possess this girl who had been her best friend all through their teenage years. Suddenly, there was a rustling from the hedges. Terry's eyes swung around and her heart slowed and skipped a beat. Another movement of the hedges and her back tingled. She struggled against her bonds and made some noise to rouse Sue who merely opened her eyes. The rustling of the hedges moved closer and closer, until whoever was making the noise was almost at the mouth of the maze. Poor Terry's breathing had doubled and her eyes were as wide as saucers. She just could not believe Sue's aplomb. She shut her eyes and bit down hard on her gag just as the figure appeared before her. And what a figure it was! She was tall, with the smoothest, shiniest, blackest long hair the girls had ever seen. She was a beautiful Asian girl, about thirty years old, with full breasts and very large voluptuous hips and buttocks. On someone else, her large round buttocks might have been too big. On her, they were majestically sensuous. They could tell so much about her figure as it approached them because she seemed to have the same disdain for clothing as Helga. And as everyone else in the castle, for that matter. "My name is Niko," she said. "I do the gardening here. Did I make enough noise to scare you?" Sue and Terry smiled with their eyes at each other and looked back at the gardener. It was hard to buy her as the gardener, yet it seemed to fit the pattern. This place was full of beautiful women. Niko chatted to them for awhile and apologized for not removing their gags. "Helga told me about you girls, but she didn't say you were so beautiful.." Their eyes brightened. "It's been nice talking to you, Miss Hart, Miss McArdle. I have more work to do now. It'll be wonderful having you here, believe me." The lovely oriental turned on her heel and moved her generous buttocks back and forth as she moved back in the maze again. Terry and Sue settled back in again as comfortably as possible. They still had fifteen hours in front of them. < TO BE CONTINUED > MISTRESS OF BONDAGE PART V After Terry and Sue had finished their midnight supper and were bathed, Yvette clamped wide rings around their waists and chained their wrists to them in back. Chains and collars were added to their necks and then they were gagged with handkerchiefs pulled into their mouths. They were led upstairs to the most elegantly furnished chamber the girls had yet seen. At the maid's direction, they crawled onto a high, king size bed. Then they were left alone to wait for their Mistress. "Magnificent!" whispered Lady Miranda as she moved out of the shadows in the corner of the room. "Simply magnificent!" She was again dressed in her fetching black leotard. Terry got up on her knees as her Mistress walked around the bed to address them. "I understand from my servants that both of you have come through the training program much better than anyone could have expected." Her understated smile and overstated compliments made their hearts soar. She told them that she could not have hoped for two more perfect tour guides. "And now Theresa, Susan, I'll have your decisions," she said. "I assure you that you'll have to endure nothing more arduous than you have already done. Additionally, I'll add another 5,000 pounds to your accounts when you leave, if you'll stay the summer." She allowed them a moment they did not need for the extra enticement sink in. Their chains rattled as they nodded their heads energetically in unison. "That's marvelous," Lady Miranda replied softly to their silent affirmations. "I'm delighted you've decided to stay. Tomorrow night there will be a gathering of my most influential friends and business associates. They book the very special tours that go through Castle Thorne and I simply can't wait till they feast their eyes on you two." Sue & Terry glanced down at their nakedness. "Oh, you'll be dressed for the occasion, albeit in the sexiest evening gowns I could imagine. But, I do hope you've lost any inhibitions you might have had about your bodies." Lady Miranda then sat down between them. "And now, girls, I'll tell you a bedtime story. You will learn the most minute details of the history of this castle before the season begins, but this will give you something to think about in the meantime. My ancestor, Sir Jeffrey Thorne and his wife, Lady Anne, were nobles of the Norman race. They built this castle in the twelfth century inside the confines of an ancient Roman fortification. The Romans were part of the armies of Hadrian, which had arrived a millennium before at the zenith of the empire. Sir Jeffrey left Britain with The Order of St. John of Jerusalem to accompany King Richard on his third crusade to the holy land. They arrived at their destination in 1191; just in time to participate with King Phillip of France in the siege of the city of Acre. The repelled Saladin's relief army and mounted many assaults against the walls of the fortress until Acre finally fell to the aggressors on 3 July 1191. Sir Jeffrey, along with the other nobles, proceeded to gather up the spoils of war. One day, he came upon an auction at which the many wives and concubines of the defeated sultans were being sold as slaves. Of particular note were two young girls who displayed almost regal bearing and poise than the other slaves. They were naked save for a minuscule undergarment which barely concealed their virgin pussies and for a few ornamental trinkets. Their wrists were bound behind them and an uncouth slaver was dragging them roughly up to the auction block by chains around their necks. Sir Jeffrey was tantalized by their nubile young bodies and incensed at the harsh treatment they were receiving. Without hesitation, he leapt upon the auction block and dealt the slaver a crushing blow to the face with his massive fist. The slaver's nose spouted blood all over his beard as he slumped unconsciously to the wooden platform. Then Sir Jeffrey dropped a leather pouch full of coins at the slaver's feet and led the two dark-haired, doe-eyed beauties to his carriage. As the carriage sped toward the sea, Sir Jeffrey learned that their names were Ferra and Jasmine, and that they were both eighteen years old, and that they had been hostages to the slain sultan for the past two years. "We are the daughters of the Caliph of Baghdad. We were abducted from a caravan by the evil Sultan and held for ransom." Ferra spoke in a thick but enchanting arabic accent. "But how can you be sisters and still be the same age?" asked Sir Jeffrey. "Your beauty is unquestionable, but you do not favor your sister." "My Lord," Ferra replied, "We have another sister and two brothers also born the same year. My father has more wives than he can count in a single breath." The carriage arrived at the dock and Sir Jeffrey's newest acquisitions were placed in the hands of Captain Tremayne, his seagoing partner in adventure. He was a tall, robust, muscular man with a patch covering one eye, a souvenir of past adventures. Sir Jeffrey told him to set sail at the next tide and reminded him, as agreed, he should deliver 4/5's of all the treasure he had collected in the holy land to his wife in Britain. Then he could keep the rest for himself. "And the wenches, Thorne," asked the captain, "what about them?" "They are mine, not to be shared in any way. Deliver them to the Lady Anne and inform her that they are being held for ransom from the Caliph of Baghdad." "I'll take good care of them, Thorne," said Tremayne through a smile that sent a chill to the girl's very souls. Sir Jeffrey grabbed his arm. "You'll answer to my spear if you haem them or use them harshly. Do you understand?" The captain nodded his head and wrenched his arm from Sir Jeffrey's grip. With that, the crusading knight went away in his carriage to continue his adventures. As soon as the carriage was out of sight, Tremayne stripped the princesses of what little clothing they had and tossed their trinkets and jewelry to the crewmen on the boat. Then he trussed up their nude bodies tightly with many lengths of rope and gagged them effectively with huge wads of knotted cloth. Finally, he dragged the poor maidens up to the bow of the boat and lashed them to the mast in a sitting position. "He told us not to harm them or use them," Tremayne said mockingly to his crew, "but he didn't say we couldn't look at them." Ferra and Jasmine hung their heads and sobbed violently as the crew stood around them and leered at them, their chins dripping with lust. The ship set sail for Britain shortly thereafter. Lady Anne was no more generous to the stolen princesses than Trmayne when they reached Castle Thorne. One look at their supple hips and their firm globular breasts and she knew that this tale of ransom must be the purest lie. She kept them chained and gagged in the dungeon at all times and mistreated them cruelly whenever it pleased her to do so. She tortured them with various punishment devices and kept them from sleep for days at a time. They were fed from the bowls of animals and even then only when the animals had eaten their fill. Within a few months, they perished from Lady Anne's vicious maltreatment. Sir Jeffrey was told, when he returned the following year, that they had died of the plague. The news broke his heart, for he had truly fallen in love with them, or at least their memory, and had longed for them and dreamed of them through his travels. Lady Anne laughed inwardly, as outwardly she at least bereaved the loss of the hostages and the ransom they would have brought. "Legend has it that Sir Jeffrey still roams the castle at night; searching for his lost arabian princesses. We don't, of course, believe in ghosts, do we girls?" asked Lady Miranda. Terry and Sue shook their heads dutifully. "But we do believe in money. That's where you two come into the picture. As tour guides, and as demonstrators of the bondage equipment, you will play the parts of the princesses. You will be Ferra and Jasmine for whom Sir Jeffrey pines away." Having ended her story, Lady Miranda did a very surprising thing. She released Terry and Sue from all their bindings and gags and bid them to lay down on the bed. She said that they had earned a good rest and that nobody would disturb them since they needed to be fresh and cheerful for the party the following evening. They climbed under the covers quickly, and once Lady Miranda left, they talked at length. They had kept silent for almost three days straight. "Sue, I'm so glad you're here with me. I was so scared when Niko came out of the maze." "They're not going to harm us, Duchess," said Sue. "And though money doesn't mean much to you, ten thousand pounds is more money than I've ever had at one time in my life. We can pay for the damned car without bothering your father and go home with a nest egg." Sue began to yawn as the tremendous strain of the past few days caught up with her. They continued talking until sheer exhaustion overcame them and they drifted off to sleep. It was just as well, for Terry might not have been able to resist Sue's naked body had she an ounce of strength left. They slept deeply and comfortably and Lady Miranda was true to her word. They were not disturbed. They woke some time in the middle of the following afternoon and were fed in the room. Terry was sitting naked at the vanity when Yvette came to take the trays and she asked the maid to tell the cook that the meal was delicious. "Why thank you Miss McArdle!" said Helga cheerfully as she entered the room. Her lovely smile was always captivating and Terry was pleased to see her. She was wearing a fetching blue leotard and Terry remarked to herself that it was the first time she had seen her with her breasts covered. She had brought their evening clothes and set them on the bed as Sue emerged from the bathroom drying herself with a towel. Sue mentioned that they had found most of their things, but had not seen anything of the clothes they had brought with them. "Well, Miss Hart, I'm afraid we've stored them elsewhere in the castle," Helga replied. "The Mistress will dictate your wardrobe for the time you both are here." Sue raised her eyebrows. "It's all part of the atmosphere. You and Miss McArdle, though well-paid, are truly in slavery here." By this time, Terry was holding an ice-blue evening gown against her body and gushing with excitement. Sue inspected some of the lingerie Helga had brought and both girls glanced up as Yvette reentered with two very long tubes made of black leather and sporting several straps and pieces of rawhide lacing. The girls demurred and dutifully allowed Helga and Yvette to lace their arms tightly behind them in the shiny leather single gloves. Then, they were "dressed" in stockings, cut little ribbon garters and high heels. Finally, after applying make-up to their faces and fixing their hair, the maid and the cook led them down to a comfortably furnished sitting room. Once they were seated, Sue was bound at the ankles and knees and a ballgag was forced into her mouth. Yvette produced a bottle of fine champagne and proffered it to Terry who glanced at her brunette friend. Yvette said she would also have some wine once Terry had drunk her fill. They were to share this rare, vintage in celebration of their coming debut. Once Terry had drained the glass, Yvette poured another for her and put it to her lips. After the third glass, Yvette bound her legs and gagged her as well. As Yvette moved toward Sue, Helga's voice called from down the hall and the maid left the room. Sue sighed rather impatiently and began looking around the room. Terry, however, was sinking into fantasy as the champagne and her own suppressed desires grabbed hold of her. Her eyes roamed and inspected Sue's nude, fettered body and cursed herself for not having taken advantage of it the night before. All through their high school years, she had longed to kiss her friend meaningfully, right on the lips, but had feared rejection. At that moment, Terry wanted to ravage Sue's body and to hell with rejection. She would cut through the protestations by binding the lovely brunette's arms tightly with rope and gagging her with tape and cloth and whatever else was necessary to keep her from saying no. Her hands tingled inside the glove. They longed to fondle Sue's hips. Terry closed her eyes and imagined herself devouring Sue's trussed up body with every fibre of her being. Her lips gently creased Sue's nipples and her tongue lolled around her areola. She could even smell the woman-scented warmth emanating from her girlfriend's breasts. She was planting kisses all over the brunette's chest and ribcage and was moving down between her sensuous hips when the spell was abruptly shattered. "Your turn, Mademoiselle Sue!" Yvette's sweet, metallic voice rang through the air as she returned to the room. She popped the ball-gag out of Sue's mouth and then to Terry's delight, Sue pursued her lips across as her as if she was blowing a kiss. When Sue had finished her third glass, she and Terry were again admonished to deport themselves in a provocative manner at the party. Then Yvette removed took them back to their room, removed their bonds and helped them dress for the evening. MISTRESS OF BONDAGE PART VI For the first time since her arrival at Castle Thorne, Sue was frightened. Maybe it was the blindfold--she was not sure. Possibly she was disconcerted at having been separated from Terry. These thoughts raced through her mind as she waited for the Mistress to say good-bye to the party guests. Her torso was bound up and her wrists were lashed to what appeared to be a ballet bar standing at the side of the grand ballroom. Such had been her station for the final hour of the party, and she was keenly aware that she was being punished. Yes, that was the thing that frightened her. She had fallen into disfavor. One of the men at the party had made it known that he fully expected her to share his bed sometime soon and she had replied by pouring her drink into his pocket. Helga immediately bound her to the ballet bar in full view of all the guests and gagged her with a ball gag. Sue was accustomed to such treatment by then and she was even fully clothed. Yet this was different. People were milling around her and making comments about the more interesting parts of her body. Every so often she felt a tentative hand slip through the slit of her dress and slide along the thigh. The worst thing, though, had been the look in Lady Miranda's eyes before the blindfold was pulled tightly around her head. This had little to do with fantasy slavery or even erotic bondage. This was anger. It would mean punishment. Sue heard a snap of Lady Miranda's fingers and then felt a thin, childish pair of hands lift her dress up over her waist and pull down her panties and hose. Terror struck her heart as her bare buttocks were exposed and thrust out behind her due to her bent-over position. Her legs were forced apart so her ankles could be tied to the posts of the ballet bar and she imagined how obscene she must look from behind. The Mistress whispered in her ear that since it was her first mistake she would only give her five strokes. Then she kissed her on the cheek. And though the spanking was painful, the worst part was her inability to move. Or even to scream. Or for that matter to see. When the ordeal was over, Yvette was told to take the slave down into one of the less scenic dungeons and make her comfortable for the night. Terry fared little better after the party. Helga took her into the dining hall, stripped her down to her stockings and garterbelt and made her lie face-down on one of the tables. She bound the slave's ankles and knees and then her wrists and elbows behind her. A big rubber ball was stuffed into her mouth and secured with a wide piece of tape before the cook left to clean up after the party guests. The dining hall being next to the grand ballroom. Terry though she might be able to hear what was going on there, but Lady Miranda's heather soft voice would not carry that far. But soon, she did hear an unmistakable whistle, followed be a sharp crack of rawhide against bare skin. Her heart went out to her friend in the next room and with each successive blow, she grimaced as if she herself was being struck with the whip. Soon the Mistress was standing in the doorway, having finished with the disobedient slave, and Terry knew that it must be her turn. Lady Miranda had changed out of her formal clothes into an erotically tight bodysuit made of shiny black lycra. It was cut very low at the bosom and it outlined every muscle, tendon, curve & crevice of her lovely figure. Terry was glad to be lying on her belly so that the Mistress would not see her nipples growing harder as she approached. A long, flexible rod slid out of the folds of her cape as she slinked over to the table where Terry lay quivering. She ran a fingertip deftly over the bound schoolgirl's bare buttock and sighed. "You have the cutest little buns in the world, Theresa," she said. "I pray I'll never have to put a mark on them. In the future, I will punish both for the transgression of either. Is that clear?" Terry nodded as a tear rolled down her cheek for Sue. Then, as an afterthought, Lady Miranda bent Terry's legs at the knees and brought her ankles up behind her thighs. Next she tied the poor girl's ankles to her elbows causing a painful arching of her back. "MMMFFF!" came a groan from the slave as the pain in her back overshadowed the one in her mouth. Lady Miranda made a remark about how Terry looked good enough to eat and then left. An hour later, Helga came to release her, but she did not take her to bed. Instead, she dressed her in a white bra and panty set and led her downstairs to the dungeons. She hoped she would see Sue, but instead, she was placed in a large ornate throne sitting in the middle of the corridor. Helga bound her tightly to the chair and then removed the huge ball from her mouth. Terry spoke quickly as the cook readied a new gag. "Sue and I don't want to sleep with the customers." There. She said it. Helga smiled at the beautiful blonde and brushed away the bangs at her forehead. "Dear, sweet child," she cooed, "you won't have to. Sue was punished for insulting a guest, not for refusing his advances." Helga then gagged her with a handkerchief and then, placing her palms on Terry's naked thighs, looked deeply into her eyes. "Do you remember the story of Sir Jeffrey and the captive princesses?" she asked. Terry nodded meekly. "It is said that he used to sit in this very throne and dream about his maidens for entire evenings." Helga was, for the first time, without a smile. "I want you to think about him. Think about the legend. Feel him with you. Experience his sorrow." Her smile returned and she kissed the wide-eyed blonde on the forehead. "You will do that for me, won't you?" Terry nodded and the buxom blonde cook kissed her daintily on each nipple, sending shivers all over her breasts. "That sure is silly!" Terry thought when Helga was gone. Still, Helga had accomplished her mission. The poor girl could not help but think about Sir Jeffrey and the legend........time dragged on and she noticed an energy in the air which seemed to hum like a swarm of bees, though she could not hear anything. An uneasiness took hold of her heart as she felt stared at. She smelled a sudden whiff of mustiness, like an attic filled with antiques, and the frenzied waves of energy grew more intense with every beat of her heart. Something was going to happen. It was like waiting for a clap of thunder after seeing the lightning flash. Suddenly, it became comfortably, lovingly warm. The goose-bumps left her skin and a gentle, tepid tingle ran in little drops all over her body. Terry looked down and saw an odd mist beginning to envelop her body from the ankles to her knees. It was odd because it was solid and because it centered around her and was nowhere else in the room. It further congealed into creamy white snakes of vapor and slithered all over her naked torso. The terrified girl knew that she MUST be hallucinating! She watched in utter fascination as the fingers of smoke streamed back and forth across her breasts and delved in and out of her lingerie. Then all of the mist stopped, changed direction and dipped down between her thighs. Terry closed her eyes in erotic rapture and she envisioned a hand grabbing at her pussy and caressing it. As suddenly as it came, it left her and streamed off down the hall. Terry trembled all over and tried to shake away the fear that was little abated by her auto-erotic imagination. Gathering all her courage, she twisted around in the throne and looked down the corridor. She expected, hoped, that she would not see the mist, yet there it was, gathering into an eerie, blue-grey glow. The glow evolved into a tall, brawny figure of a man. His face was white with coal-black eyes, and his garb was that of an eleventh century knight, or so she assumed. She knew down deep inside she was in the presence of Sir Jeffrey Thorne. She whipped her body back into the throne and screamed into her gag for all she was worth. The sound of Sir Jeffrey's boots came down the corridor and Terry screamed again, shaking her head back and forth in wild, desperate abandon. She clenched her eyes tight when the apparition stopped behind the throne and her blood turned to ice. She gave way to blessed madness as her thoughts lost some of their lucidity. An unexpectedly warm hand caressed her cheek. Just before she lost consciousness, she could barely make out five heavily accented words spoken directly into her ear. "My princess! You have returned!" Sue's part of the dungeon was just down the hall from the hallway where Terry sat ensconced on the throne, but neither had any idea where the other might be. It appeared as though they were about to spend their first night apart, but Sue was understandably oblivious to the fortunes of her girlfriend at the moment. For the first time, she was unsure of her ability to cope with the situation. "Oh god!" she thought, "I can't spend the whole night like this!" Indeed the bondage was intricate and painful with a little genuine torture thrown in for good measure. She had her ankles cuffed to a steel pole emanating up out of the floor and sporting a cruel-looking device at the top. The device was an array of jagged teeth which protruded into the girls pussy and the crack between her buttocks. The back of the thing was also made of sharp steel points which dug into her soft ass. Her wrists & knees were bound with rope and she was collared to the wall behind her with a short chain causing her to back up against the "punishment chair". Her gag was the ever- present, ever-popular ballgag, which tortured the mouth whilst silencing it. Sue tried to keep her skin away from the teeth by standing on her tiptoes and arching her back, but she knew it was only a matter of time before she would give out and the blood would begin to flow down her legs. Time dragged on and every second seemed like an eternity her head swam with exhaustion and terror. Then her attention was distracted by a flash of blinding light and a low-pitched, eerie sound of laughter. The schoolgirl opened her eyes to catch a quick, furtive glimpse of Sir Jeffrey sitting at a nearby table. He was laughing and leering at her through black, fathomless eyes. Sue was only minimally fearful since she was convinced that Sir Jeffrey was only a hallucination born of suffering. Still, he seemed so real that she began to wonder. Then he rose to come toward her and she cringed against the realization that he might really be there! Sue screamed through her ballgag just as the apparition vanished and the dungeon grew dark again. She allowed her heart to palpitate for a moment and then perked her ears up as she sensed someone coming down the hall. It was Lady Miranda and she was screaming furiously about something. The Mistress was the last person the slave wanted to see. but she would do just about anything to relieve her present situation. The Mistress' voice was not loud, but vehement--like that of a hundred snakes hissing at a common enemy. The sound came closer and closer until Lady Miranda finally entered Sue's part of the dungeon dragging poor Terry by the hair. "Release her!" she hissed at Yvette as she pointed toward Sue. A minute later, Sue and Terry were lying on the cold stone floor and looking up timidly at their tormentor. "I came to see about your friend here, Susan, and she cringed away from my touch. Lady Miranda was livid. "I ungagged her and she dribbled out some childish tale of ghosts and spirits. She actually says she saw my ancestor, Sir Jeffrey Thorne. "What do you think of that, my dear?" Sue raised her eyebrows and glanced over at Terry. This, unfortunately, made the Mistress more angry than before. "Well girls," she continued through her teeth, "since you two know him so well, perhaps you'll be kind enough to introduce me to him. MISTRESS OF BONDAGE PART VII A fine mist hung stagnant in the air and, at three o'clock in the morning, the moon was still high enough to blanket the estate with a soft, blue glow. There were no nocturnal creatures flying around or leaping from tree limb to tree limb or scurrying through the tall grass. No, they had long since found more suitable places to forage for their livelihood. Only a lone ground squirrel who just happened to wander into the area broke the silence of the little forest. Food was abundant on the ground around him and he was so busy gathering it that he failed to notice the human voices coming toward him until it was almost too late. When the furry little creature finally perked up and stood motionless, the voices came up the hill before him. He had seen humans before and the fact that two of them were naked, bound, chained at the neck, and being led on leashes by the third was not alarming. The fact that he could smell civilization on them was. His powerful legs sprang up and he was out of the area in a second or two, having left his gatherings in a pile. Terry was the only one to have seen the little animal scamper away, and, for a fleeting moment, he was a picture of freedom to her. She struggled to keep her balance as Lady Miranda tugged on the leash. She was certainly accustomed, by then, to nudity and to the chains that bound her. But, having to travel on her knees was a brand new evil, especially with her hands manacled behind her. At least Sue's wrists had been cuffed in front to allow for some stability. That made quite a difference and, whenever Terry fell flat on her face, she was reminded that it was she who had been the most vocal about having seen Sir Jeffrey. "Come now, girls," Lady Miranda said with another yank on the leashes, "if old Sir Jeff has decided to come back from the dead, we should not keep him waiting." The poor slaves had been led back and forth all over the estate on their knees and were just about ready to drop. By then, they had both wished they had lied about seeing the apparition. They would have begged for mercy had it not been for the gags. Terry was growing more angry by the second for having been singled out and went on with sheer defiance. "Freshen her gag, Yvette," said the Mistress, "she'll be here for quite some time." The maid pulled the gag from Terry's mouth and then tied a fresh white satin handkerchief around the lower part of her face. She saw the poor girl's breasts quiver as she felt the breeze and took pity on her. "Madame?" ventured Yvette, "should she not be clothed? It is so cold." "Of course, Yvette," the Mistress replied, "remove your panties and give them to her." This was not what the maid had in mind, but she had tried. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and pulled them down her legs. Then she maneuvered them up over Terry's hips and finished binding her tightly to the cross. Sue's gag was likewise freshened and then she was bound at Terry's feet. "Ta-ta, ladies," Lady Miranda whispered after kissing Terry on the cheek. "Say hello to Jeffey boy for me." Then she and the maid left to go back to the castle. Terry glanced up as much as her bondage would allow at the now- descending moon. She braced herself mentally for the cold night ahead and made firm her resolve to leave this place at the next available opportunity. The decision to stay at the castle for the summer seemed well-founded in retrospect. Up until then, their activities had been rigorous, but nothing more than they could handle. Terry had even grown fond of Helga the cook and everything around them seemed to smack of erotic fantasy fulfillment. The summer had promised to be a wildly stimulating adventure. Now, Terry and her friend had been tortured and abused. Sue was sobbing like a child at her feet. And then there was that other thing. Terry was not certain what Sir Jeffrey was, but he was certainly not an hallucination. They were dealing with something very strange here and had absolutely no control in the matter. It was time to leave. The moon was beginning to dip into the trees over the horizon when the two women heard the voice of their tormentress. "Oh save me Sir Jeffrey!" she squealed in a mocking, girlish tone, "save me from the evil bitch who rules your castle!" Lady Miranda's hissing laughter heightened the chill in Terry's muscles. She stared straight ahead and tried to show no expression as the wind whipped through her hair. Sue glanced over and saw Lady Miranda standing in the trees with a candle and wearing a nightgown. She wondered briefly why someone would wear a nightgown at dawn. "Susan," Lady Miranda said, "you will be released in an hour or so and then will be permitted to rest in your bed for the remainder of the day. You, Theresa, will spend part of the coming day right where you are. After all, my dear, if Sir Jeffrey really wants to see you, he should be able to see where you are." With that, she gave one more hideous chuckle at her two misfortunates and went back into the castle. The sun rose in a short time and Terry envied Sue as she was released and led into the castle. All through the morning, the lovely blonde listened to the silence of the birds and animals that weren't there. Her legs and arms grew numb as she marked the changing position of the sun in the trees. When Yvette finally came to release her and bring her to the castle, she was ready to lie down anywhere as long as she could lie down. Yvette had her showered and fed and then took her to Helga. Sue, conversely, had just about had it. The whipping, the torturous bondage in the dungeon, and now this cruel journey over the castle grounds were getting to her inner spirit. Her poor knees would no longer work. A particularly viscous jerk on the leash sent her sprawling to the ground sobbing. Lady Miranda waited patiently for Sue's tears to subside before she spoke. "Susan, I wish to hear no more talk of Sir Jeffrey," she whispered. Sue looked up with hurt puppy dog eyes and nodded in agreement. The Lady Miranda wheeled around to plant her booted foot on either side of the other captive girl. "And you, Theresa. Are you convinced that Sir Jeffrey was all in your mind?" Terry rose up on her knees and glared directly into the Mistress' eyes. Her breasts glistened in the moonlight and her eyes sparkled above her gag as she made no gesture of assent. She simply met Lady Miranda's gaze with sharp contempt until, unbelievably, the haughty tormentress looked away. "Yvette!" she called to her servant who had been following the grotesque procession from a distance. The diminutive, dark-haired beauty scampered up to the trio laden with several small bags and a cape "Oui, Madame?" she said, short of breath. "My cape, Yvette," the Mistress replied. "The wind grows chilly." Yvette wrapped her lady in a long leather cape and shivered as the aforementioned wind slipped through the lace work in her corset. The cold wind was even more meaningful, of course, to the two naked girls, bound and gagged at their feet. "Theresa," Lady Miranda said after further consideration, "since you're determined to consort with the spirit world, we'll make certain you have ample opportunity." The parade began again as the tethers became taut and the girls rose up on their knees. They were led across the graveyard and the girls moved warily among the stone monuments. Finally, they stopped in front of a life-size cross made of cement and sprouted strategically placed manacles. "Secure her!" said the Mistress, and Yvette went immediately to work. She removed the handcuffs from Terry and pushed her up against the stone cross. Her arms were stretched out to the sides and then locked into place against the monument. Then she tied her waists to the middle of the cross just as the wind picked up and blew the lovely blonde's tresses away from her lovely face. Later that night, as Terry was being led back into the castle and down towards the dungeons, Helga chirped "Well Theresa, I see you've had your quota of this place!" Terry was so exhausted that she could not even respond. They entered another dungeon and Terry was laid on a long wooden table with stocks on one end and a wooden drum on the other. Clearly, she was about to be stretched on the rack. Helga locked her ankles into the stock and then tied her wrists to the drum. Terry's limbs were taut after a few turns of the drum, but she was not stretched beyond the limits of comfort. And she was laying her poor body down at last. She was just beginning to drift off to sleep when Helga tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up at her jailer and almost cried. "Oh Helga," she gurgled, "I'm so tired and very angry. Can't you help me get out of here? I know Sue and I said we'd stay but..." "Just rest, Miss McArdle," said the cook, "I'll take care of you. And I'll not even gag you this time. You'll need some rest." Helga cast her beguiling smile at the blonde schoolgirl and laid a ponderous thought on her just as she turned to leave. "We might all be able to leave here this evening if we do our work well." Terry's eyes bugged out and her mouth fell open at these words. Helga left and the exhausted young woman drifted off to sleep. MISTRESS OF BONDAGE PART VIII Terry was permitted to rest in near comfort for the second part of the day and then she was awakened by Yvette. The maid was dressed and made-up in erotic elegance indicating that this was a special night. Her corset was a striped and laced affair made of expensive satin. Her bikini panties were made of silk as were her stockings and she sported long leather gloves. "Mademoiselle Terry, the Mistress will see you now," she said with a smile. Before Terry could speak, Yvette forced a knotted scarf into her mouth and tied it tightly around her head. Her hands were released and then bound together in front. The she was "dressed" in silk panties, stockings and high heels before being led out of the dungeon. The sun was still streaking through the windows as they made their way to the topmost level of the castle. It suddenly grew very dark and foreboding when they entered the hallway leading to the Mistress room. Terry could barely see Lady Miranda when they came into the huge bedroom chamber, but she could see enough. She had never been so angry with anyone in her life, yet the elegant, magnetic beauty of this woman was beyond comprehension. Her blonde hair lay about her beautiful face in understated resplendence. Her breasts spilled wantonly over the bodice of a chic babydoll nightgown. Her long, sexy legs added even more height to this statuesque vixen. Truly she was more lovely than anyone could ever hope to be. All the fear, all the anger and exhaustion, was quickly pushed aside when the Mistress moved forward and hugged the wide-eyed blonde. "Theresa, darling, I want you to spend the evening in my chamber," she said in her whisper soft tone. Her hands rested on Susan's naked hips and then moved sensuously down over her buttocks. "We'll have a splendid time, I assure you. Yvette, bind Susan's ankles and then make yourself ready to serve me." Yvette made Terry kneel down beside a large lounging throne covered luxuriously with a big, plush fur. She tied the girl's ankles together with rope and then did a very curious thing. She entered a closet, rummaged around, and then emerged with a pair of manacles flung over her shoulder; and she was gagging herself with a professional looking gag made of leather. After she effectively plugged her own mouth, Yvette snapped the manacles on her wrists and fixed a steel collar around her neck. To Sue's unbelief, she had bound and gagged herself and then had left the room as if it were not unusual. Lady Miranda lay down on the lounge and simply stared at her lovely blonde schoolgirl. Terry could feel her eyes roaming over her skin and, despite the rigors of the past 24 hours, felt a tingling in her pussy. Then the Mistress produced a huge feather and ran it down the length of Sue's back. The feather delved into the crack between her buttocks and Lady Miranda smiled at the gasp that whistled through the poor girl's nose. "You really are very pretty, Theresa," she whispered. "I'm going to spend the entire evening enjoying your beautiful body." Yvette reentered the chamber with a tray of champagne which she offered silently to the Mistress. Lady Miranda drank several glasses of the sparkling vintage as she toyed her feather erotically around Susan's curves and crevices. The maid stood dutifully beside the lounge until the bottle had been drained and then nodded her head as if to ask of the Mistress wanted another bottle. Getting no reply, Yvette set the tray down and moved to the corner. Lady Miranda helped Terry up onto the lounge and had her stretch out on her back. All of her charms were now spread before the Mistress like a luxurious meal, to be eaten slowly and thoughtfully, savoring every morsel. The older woman crawled onto the lounge and kissed Terry lightly on each nipple. Sue's eyeballs rolled up and back while a groan of ecstasy escaped through her nose. She felt Lady Miranda's hand on her pussy and instinctively rose her hips to meet her gentle caress. One eye popped open just as the other woman parted her ruby red lips over an erect nipple and planted her mouth on one of Terry's breasts. She sucked on the breast, stirring both of them into eroticism, and the schoolgirl's bound hands found their way to the Mistress' nightgown. When she undid the bow, she found that Lady Miranda's breasts were soft and smooth to the touch. For her part, Lady Miranda groaned as Terry manipulated her bosoms, but she kept her mouth right where it was. Terry had never made love to another woman before, but she had always harbored the desire. She somehow thought that it would be nice if Terry was the first, but right then it was of little importance. Her Mistress could not have been more tantalizing. Except.......Except.....In a blinding flash, memories of the way she and Terry had been tortured and abused slipped past the sensuality and rekindled the angry part of her. There was a curt, liquid-sounding pop as Terry pushed Lady Miranda off her breast and rolled off the bed. She lay on the floor and awaited the thunderous anger she knew would be vented on her at any moment. "Time for you to leave us to our pleasures, Yvette," said the Mistress calmly. "Tell Helga or Niko to come here and then go lock yourself into your hanging cage." Yvette pranced out of the room and Terry watched as Lady Miranda changed into the black leotard, gloves and boots which seemed to be her uniform. There was a knock on the door shortly and then Niko appeared in the room. The long-haired Asian beauty was dressed in a print frock which the Mistress told her to remove. "Keep your stockings and heels on, Niko and then take this young harlot into the drawing room," she said. "Take off her panties and stockings and then suspend her from the ceiling tied as she is. I'll be in presently."Niko stripped herself down as commanded and then dragged poor Terry into the next room by her feet. Once in the drawing room, Niko had Terry kneel down and then tied her already bound wrists to a rope hanging down from the ceiling. Then, after glancing at the doorway, Niko bent down and whispered in her captive's ear. "Courage, my young friend, Helga and I are seeing to your safety." Terry cursed her gag. She had questions coming out of her ears. Both Niko and Helga had given her reason to hope for escape, but what was going on here? Niko glanced at the door again and darted over to the window to peek out the drapes. Then she returned to Terry and appeared to be adjusting her gag when the Mistress entered the room. "Lovely, Niko," she said, looking at Terry. "You have a way with rope. Please remain here in case I need you." She caressed Sue's cheek with a fingertip and broke into an evil, sardonic smile. "Theresa, my love, I'm going to punish you severely for that little show of displeasure." Her palm reached down and cupped one of the young girl's breasts. "But first, I'm going to make love to you. To ALL of you. Every inch of your beautiful body. Every crack, every orifice, every hill and valley. And then......" CRACK!! The sharp staccato noise was so loud that Terry was certain that it was a gunshot. Her first instinct was further confirmed when the Mistress wrenched her back and then yelped like a wounded fox. Her knees buckled and she wailed with agonizing fury. Terry never thought Lady Miranda possessed such force in her vocal cords. The woman crumbled up in a pile before her and it was then that she saw Niko standing near the window. Niko was holding the drapes aside and flooding the room with the last vestige of light coming from the dying sun. She let the drapes fall shut again and then clapped her hands together in childlike joy. Terry was bewildered and she thought she saw a tear forming at the corner of Niko's eye.The tall Asian woman turned toward the wall and remained motionless for a moment. The Mistress stopped writhing and lay inert at Sue's knees and, if she had harbored any questions before, it was nothing compared to this. Suddenly, Lady Miranda's eyes slipped open and she looked straight into Terry's soul. Then she turned her head toward Niko and Terry tried, through her muffled mouth to warn her. Lady Miranda moved up behind the other woman,spun her around and threw her to the floor by her hair. "SLUT!" she cried, "Miserable clumsy idiot! I told you never to open the drapes in the daytime. You'll pay dearly for your thoughtlessness, bitch! "Niko looked up at her Mistress and shivered in terror. Lady Miranda yelled for Helga as she continued her tirade and Helga entered the room with a look of astonishment. Niko caught her eye and they exchanged quick communication before the Mistress spoke to her. "Clamp the stocks on that imbecile on the floor and then take Theresa down to the dunking chair." She was calming down somewhat, but there was still venom in her voice. "I'll deal with each of them soon." Saying that, she left the room in a hurry. Terry watched as Helga removed a wooden device from a closet and then helped Niko up off the floor. As she sat the beautiful woman down on a block of wood, they were whispering excitedly and Terry knew they were talking about what had just occurred. Niko's expression was fearful as they talked, but Helga seemed elated. She clamped the stock around Niko's head and wrists and then removed her stockings. Then she chained her ankles with steel manacles and produced a large ball gag. "Open wide, Niko," Helga said, before she gently but firmly gagged the gardener. Then she kissed her on the forehead and went over to Terry. The younger girl again tried to talk through her gag as Helga undid her ankles and released the rope from the ceiling. Helga told her to have patience and then led her out of the room by the rope tied to her hands. Niko was left alone for a few moments, but it seemed like an eternity. She was scared to death as she had never seen the Mistress so angry, but there was one bright spot. She had committed herself. She had opened the drapes deliberately to see what Lady Miranda would do, and now she knew that what she and Helga had suspected was true. I seemed obvious since they had never seen the Mistress in daylight and there were no mirrors in the castle, but they needed proof. Niko sucked involuntarily on the huge ball in her mouth and tried to recall the scene. Had she been able to make her action look like a mistake? Did the Mistress really believe that she had been forgetful, or had Niko shown her hand? There would be some difficulty soon, but how bad could it be? Punishment for carelessness was one thing; punishment for treachery would be quite another. An honest terror gripped the unfortunate oriental woman in the belly. Lady Miranda must NOT realize she had been deceived. There would be certainly no living through her wrath. In her agitated state, Niko could not help but imagine the worst. Lady Miranda would take her into the lowest, most grim hole in the dungeons and bind her up in a cruel, tortuous position. She imagined herself naked, gagged and completely vulnerable. Then the evil woman would unleash all the foulest, most hideous creatures of hell on her body to torture it and torment her soul. And then, in the middle of oblivion, she would expire and never be heard from again. Niko closed her eyes and broke into tears just as Lady Miranda returned. "I'll teach you to be clumsy," she said. "In a few minutes, you won't know anything but the pain the that big bum of yours." A wave of blessed relief washed over Niko as she was led down to the dungeon. She had done it! She had played her part well enough so that Lady Miranda had bought her stupidity. She would be punished, but she would survive. Niko was almost happy to be chained by the ankles to a steel pole which featured a crossbar on top. The crossbar was cold and uncomfortable against her pussy and it seemed to spread her large buttocks apart, offering the jiggling globes as a sacrifice to Lady Miranda's whip. The woman was still livid and was about to vent her anger on Niko's bare skin, but the gardener breathed a sigh of relief and a silent prayer of thanks. The whip whistled through the air and Niko tightened her muscles, clenched her fists and closed her eyes. Terry had plenty to think about as she sucked on the ball gag strapped in her mouth. Helga had chained the horrible chastity belt back on her and then chained her to a wooden chair. The chair was at one end of a wooden machine which could, with the gentlest touch, swing the occupant out over a pool of water fed by an underground spring. She was going mad with questions about the preceding events. What had happened to Lady Miranda? What was going on? And where was Sue? She knew that Sue was at the end of her rope, both literally and figuratively. She was dashed from her thoughts as Lady Miranda came into the dunking dungeon and laid her whip around Terry's neck. There was a dull thud as the catch fell away from the machine and Terry felt herself swinging out over the pool. "You are to forget you saw any weakness in me, Theresa." Terry looked down at the water and closed her eyes. It was just in time.....Lady Miranda released the chair and the poor girl crashed violently into the cold water. Some of the water got into her nose and she coughed instantly sending all the air out of her lungs. The prospect of drowning became all too real just before the chair was raised out of the water and Terry's lungs instinctively whooshed in the air. Lady Miranda waited until she finished coughing and sputtering through her nose and then spoke. "Take a deep breath, Theresa," she said. "You'll be under for a full two minutes this time, whether I see bubbles or not." The dunking went on for almost an hour until the poor schoolgirl was cold tired and desperate. But more than anything else, she was angry. She was so full of hate that she knew she could kill the bitch if she got the chance. She looked like a drowned rat when she was finally swung back on the stone floor. "I'm leaving you now, Theresa," the Mistress cooed, placing her face right up beside Terry's. "Try to remember while I'm gone that there's no trace of weakness in me. I hold your life in my hands." "Yeah, you pompous slut!" thought Terry, "and I'll hold your tits in mine just before I twist them off!" Soon there was silence in the dungeon save for the dripping water, and Terry knew that she would have to escape Castle Thorne or die. There was no fantasy left here. Lady Miranda held the two young ladies in slavery from which death would be the only release. She looked up and shook the water from her face when she heard someone coming down the corridor. She was relieved to see that it was not the Mistress, but that it was Helga carrying a robe, some towels and a steaming mug. "Terry," said the stunning Scandinavian sincerely, " you poor dear. You look so pitiful." Her gag was popped out of her mouth and she spoke immediately. "Helga, if you tell me to be patient again, I'll bit your cunt off!" "Good girl!" Helga replied, trying to smile, "You're more angry than afraid. Actually, Terry dear, I'd adore letting you do that, but we have things to do tonight." Terry sensed that things had changed by the way Helga was treating her. Having released her from the chair and removed all of her bonds, Helga helped her into the robe and was drying her hair as they spoke. "Are you going to help us do what we came her to do if we help you and Sue to escape?" "And that is?" Terry asked. "We have to destroy Lady Miranda," Helga said gravely after a short pause. She waited for Terry to blink her eyes and gape at her, but she did not. The teenager cupped her hands around the warm mug of chocolate and turned her head to look at the pool. A full minute passed before she spoke. "I noticed you said destroy, not kill." "You're very intelligent as well as brave, dear girl," Helga said. "Good, it'll save time. You've seen how the Mistress crumbled in the sunlight. There are no mirrors here and she comes and goes only at night. The forest creatures avoid this place like the plague." The buxom blonde moved closer to Terry. "And somebody seems to wander around here in a puff of smoke." Now, Terry shuddered. "Was he real, Helga?" "He's as real as the Mistress," Helga replied, "and he must also be destroyed." "They're vampires." The words dropped casually out of Terry's mouth before she thought of them. "Yes, they are. And tonight we're going to make them dead people so we can properly pray for their souls." "But how did you and Niko and Yvette...? "Yvette is really the maid here. Niko and I are the plants. I met her at a cocktail party a few years ago and was fascinated by her adventures. She's a psychologist by degree and an investigator of psychic phenomena by profession. She writes books on the subject. It was only natural that I ask her for help when I decided to come here." "But why did you come here, Helga?" asked Terry. "Aren't you frightened?" "I'm scared stiff, Terry," she replied, "but I had to come," Helga had lost her winning smile. "My family owns and runs a newspaper in Oslo and we all have our hands in the business. But after my mother died, my father lost interest in it and just quit coming to work. He spent all his time drinking too much and carousing all over Europe with his money." Helga's voice broke here and there but she continued on. "Last year, his travels took him here on one of Lady Miranda's `special tours' and he hasn't been heard from since. I traced him here and discovered several similar disappearances. Then I called Niko, who jumped at the prospect of uncovering a real vampire, and, well here we are. Terry, we could have put that bitch away months ago; we discovered that she sleeps in a coffin in the tower during the day. But we need Sir Jeffrey too." "Is he really that Sir Jeffrey guy?" asked Terry. "Well, he was," Helga replied. "Lady Slut didn't finish the fairy tale for you Friday night. Our noble knight did some high-class raping and pillaging after he sent his two princesses back to Britain on the boat. His travels ended in the Carpathian mountains in central Europe where he spent the night wenching at the castle of a local notable. His host happened to be one of the undead, and before dawn, Sir Jeffrey joined him in his misery." "When he returned to Castle Thorne, he learned that his wife had let the Arabian princesses die and he flew into a rage. Lady Miranda didn't tell you that he actually killed his wife, the Lady Anne. Nor did she tell you that his anger was spent in time to save his daughter from death." "His daughter?" "Lady Miranda. He didn't kill her, but he did put the mark of the vampire on her and they have lived here for centuries terrorizing the surrounding countryside. She keeps things going here on a day-to-day basis, but he rarely shows up. That was our big problem until you and Sue arrived. He thinks you two are his dead princesses. If you can bring him around again tonight, maybe we can keep him here until the sun comes up." All different kinds of fear and horror and hatred coursed through Terry's heart. Then she remembered something. "Where's Sue?" she asked. "I took her to Niko's room. Niko took quite a beating from the Mistress and Sue is tending her wounds. Sue is terribly frightened, Terry." "So am I," replied the spunky teenager, "but Sue and I have a lot of heart. You can count on us." MISTRESS OF BONDAGE PART IX (The Final Chapter) Sue burst into tears when she saw Terry and they hugged each other tenderly. Niko turned toward Helga who came over to the bed and kissed her gently on the mouth. She told her that Sue and Terry were going to help. Sue broke off her embrace of Terry and cast her eyes on the floor. "I don't know if I can handle it, Duchess," Sue said. "I haven't been doing very well lately, have I?" Terry snaked her hands around her best friend's neck and smiled lovingly at her. "You'll be just fine, Sue. You can do anything. Remember, you told me so." Sue found a small chuckle inside her and let it out at Terry's pun. "Besides," Terry went on, "Helga and Niko are looking after us. They're very capable." "we'll be watching all the time, girls," Niko said, "but I'm afraid it means a little more bondage. Remember, Sir Jeffrey must think you're his captive princesses for him to come." Terry looked over at Sue and took her hand. Sue smiled tentatively back at her blonde friend. "We're ready, Niko," said Terry. The girls were taken outside to the east wall of the castle which featured a decorative wall made of iron bars. Their robes were removed, revealing their tantalizing nakedness, and then they were tied tightly to the bars. Sue was bound kneeling down with her hands tied behind her back. Terry was tied standing in `spread-eagle' fashion--her succulent body a temptation for any man, whether alive or dead or somewhere in between. Niko then produced a leather gag with a not altogether unfamiliar rubber instrument attached to it. "What's that?" asked Sue as the lovely Asian girl approached her. "It's a penis gag, Sue," she replied. "I'm afraid it's necessary. Men like Sir Jeffrey used such things in olden days to further humiliate their female concubines." Sue parted her lips and then winced as the hard rubber phallus was slid into her mouth. The tip of the head was almost touching the back of her gullet when Niko stopped pushing it in. Then, the gag was tightly buckled at the back of her head. "What about me?" Terry asked. "You're not to be gagged, Terry," Helga replied. "I want you to cry out for Sir Jeffrey to come and save you and your sister. It's still a few hours before dawn, so there's plenty of time, but you have to play your part to the hilt. When he comes, he'll find the lovely princesses he's been seeking all these centuries. Niko and I are hoping that he'll be so engrossed in your beautiful bodies that he'll not see the sun coming up until it's too late." "But what'll he do with us in the meantime?" asked Terry. "I mean, well, can he still...?" "Lady Miranda is real enough, isn't she?" Helga replied. "I know he likes to travel around in a puff of smoke, but when he materializes, he's substantial and firm as any man. And he's been waiting for you young ladies to turn up for a very long time, so firm is probably just what he'll be." Terry and Sue looked at each other and Helga touched Terry on the cheek. "You two can still back out and no questions will be asked. What you're helping us with tonight might be dangerous." Sue and Terry shook their heads and Terry said that they were ready to begin. Niko and Helga left their bait and went into the castle to a room where they could see the two bound schoolgirls from a window. Then Terry went into her act. "Oh, Sir Jeffrey! Please come and save us! Help us please, Sir Jeffrey. Lady Anne is so cruel and you were so kind to us! Please come!" Terry was absolutely marvelous. Her cries were pitiful and heartrending. Sue's beautiful eyes added to the tableau and she stared desperate and forlorn out over the gag. The quartet of vampire killers was all in place and they were prepared to wait for hours for their quarry, but Sir Jeffrey was almost too accommodating. The chilling figure of the long-suffering vampire rose out of the mist that was blanketing the estate in the moonlight. Terry and Sue felt their blood run cold and race through their veins and he stared through them into their souls. "MMMMFFFFFF!!!" Sue screamed in horror. That was enough to bring Terry momentary freeze. She summoned all her courage and went on with her act. "Sir Jeffrey!" cried the naked blonde. "Thank Allah you've come!" She tried to remain calm as she stared into hi eyes--those eyes that were colorless and dry from centuries of tears. He moved up to her and placed his meaty hands on her naked hips. "My princess, my beautiful princess....." His accent was thick and almost made his words unintelligible, but the rest of Sir Jeffrey was so real that Terry had to remind herself that he was a vampire, an evil spirit, a demon. He looked more like a lonely old man. "Ferra," he sighed, and then turning toward Sue who was kneeling down beside him and quaking with fear. "And Jasmine....." His hands roamed over Terry's succulent body and he broke into a smile. Terry realized that his clothes must have been some sort of psychological illusion, because, when he pressed his body up against her, she felt the warmth of his naked skin and could feel his member as it bulged into her belly. She was not a virgin, but she had never felt anything like this before. He was firm and muscular, and the hair on his chest caused a flutter in her as they brushed over her breasts. She sensed his love growing bolder when he moved between her legs and, for an odd moment, she lost her fear of him. A slight groan escaped her lips as he bent down to kiss her. "Christ, Niko!" Helga hissed, grabbing her consort on the arm. "He's going to bite her! I didn't think he would try that, he loves his princesses." "He loves them so much that he wants them to join him." Niko snapped back, "How could I have been so stupid? Come on!" They rushed out of the castle and reached the east wall just in time. "My Lord!" Helga shouted. The apparition raised his head and looked sternly at the lovely blonde cook--annoyed, but not alarmed. "My Lord, your chamber has been prepared as you requested. May I take your slaves there and prepare them as well?" Sir Jeffrey looked at Sue and Terry, nodded his approval and then vanished into the mist. Helga whispered a few words to Niko, who rushed into the scullery and then released the girls from the gate. "You're doing just great," Helga whispered as she prodded the slaves up to Lady Miranda's chamber. Once there, she bound Terry up tightly and stuffed a gag in her mouth. "Sir Jeffrey is noted for his passion toward beautiful bound women. Maybe you can amuse him until the sun comes up. In any case, we'll be watching." Niko appeared with a tray of food and drink just as a cool cloud streamed in through the window. Sue was told to kneel down beside the throne and Niko placed the tray in her hands. Terry stood at attention, bound and gagged, at the other side. Niko and Helga backed away as the devilish creature appeared in their midst. "Will that be all, my Lord?" asked Helga. Sir Jeffrey nodded and the two women prepared to leave. Instead, they hid behind a pillar to watch. As hoped, Sir Jeffrey was mesmerized by Terry's bound body. His hands travelled up her thighs, over her hips and across her rib cage. Terry did not resist. Soon , he felt secure enough to sit on the throne and pull his beautiful princess on his lap. He fondled her soft, resilient breasts with one hand, while sampling food and wine on Sue's tray with the other. Time was passing without serious incident and Helga released her grip on Niko's arm little by little. "It's going to work," she whispered. "Terry and Sue will keep him busy until sunrise and he'll be trapped in the castle where we can deal with him." Sir Jeffrey was savoring his good fortune, being careful not to use it up too quickly. He was very gentle with Terry, almost loving in his attention to her. Every now and again he would pat Sue on the head or flick her nipple with his finger to show that he had not forgotten her. And finally, Helga smiled in delight when she saw a ray of sunlight pierce the trees outside the window. Then her world caved in. "Helga!" The Mistress' voice boomed through the hallways with a newfound resonance sending a chill through all their hearts. Helga looked at Niko in horror. "Didn't you put the crucifix in her coffin?" she demanded. "Of course," Niko answered. "I guess she didn't go straight to it." Lady Miranda's tone had been more of a shriek than anything else. She obviously knew something was up. And if she came upon the scene in the chamber, all of their lives would be worthless. Helga clutched Niko's arm. "Sir Jeffrey hasn't heard anything yet. You stay here and watch over the girls while I go and deal with that bitch!" "Helga!" Niko came back, "Please---not alone!" "Stay here, Niko. We owe it to those kids in there. Nothing can happen to them." With that, she kissed her friend full and fast on the mouth and rushed silently from the chamber. A tear fell down Niko's cheek as she turned again to watch the scene unfolding before her. Helga bounded down the stairs two at a time and raced through the corridor leading to the sound of the Mistress' voice. It seemed to be coming from the dunking room and, when she rounded the corner, a horrible pain shot through her belly and she crumpled up on the floor in front of the Mistress. She towered over poor Helga, who clutched her stomach and tried to catch her breath. "Where are Niko and the two tour guides?" Lady Miranda demanded in a tone which frightened her to her very soul. Helga realized that she had felt the larger woman's knee in her belly. She also sensed that there was something not quite right with the she-devil. She was leaning against the wall as if exhausted when it was not she but Helga that had received the blow. The conclusion was that Lady Miranda had indeed lain down in her coffin with the crucifix, but had somehow managed to extricate herself from the tomb. "They're all gone, you evil slut!" Helga replied defiantly. "We've destroyed your father and now its your turn!" Lady Miranda became enraged and stood away from the wall like a wild animal at bay. Her hands reached out like claws and she bared her fangs as she grabbed Helga by the upper arms. Helga attempted to resist, but she was too weak. Lady Miranda picked her up bodily and flung her against the wall like a wet rag. The poor woman knelt in pain on the stone floor and tried to hold back a sob as her assailant came for her again with death in her eyes. Lady Miranda clamped her hands around Helga's throat and began to lift her up off the floor. Helga pushed at the more powerful woman's face, but it did little good. She found to her horror that her feet had left the ground. Her air was cut off and her head was reeling. Lady Miranda's mouth dropped open and her fangs glistened in the torchlight. Her eyebrow's raised, her eyes twinkled like a wolf with a fresh kill and she let out an evil, snake- like laugh. "You unholy slut!" cried Niko from behind the Mistress, and Helga sensed herself falling to the floor. Niko had swung a heavy chain and caught Lady Miranda in the small of the back. Then she hit her again in the stomach as she was falling to the floor. The evil witch raised her head off the cobblestones and Niko shoved a crucifix in her face. "AAAHHHHGGGG!!!!" she screamed, and turned away. Helga, though not fully recovered, sprang into action. As Lady Miranda squirmed around on the floor in pain and agony, Helga crossed her wrists behind her back and clamped a pair of steel manacles on them. Then she pulled a ball gag into her mouth and buckled it tightly at the back of her head. Niko put the crucifix down when she saw that the Mistress was powerless. Then they raised their prisoner to her feet. "We were going to kill you right away," Helga sneered with hate, "but I think I'll spend some time flaying the skin off of your luscious body first." Lady Miranda's eyes betrayed her fear as Helga picked up a whip and moved over to her. The lovely Scandinavian grabbed her former employer at the waist and kissed her on each cheek. Then she moved her palm over the woman's breasts and down toward her pussy. "It's such a shame," she said. "that an evil bitch like you has to have so gorgeous a body." "Helga!" shouted Niko. "We haven't time! The damn sun is coming up!" [ ELSEWHERE IN CASTLE THORNE ] Matters had grown from tense to critical up in the chamber where Sir Jeffrey continued to devour Terry's body. Sue was virtually ignored as Sir Jeffrey had taken Terry over to the bed to be more comfortable. She saw Niko dart out of the room and knew that they were all alone with the vampire. He seemed to be amusing himself at Terry's breasts and, for her part, Terry was wavering somewhere between terror and ecstacy. But then, something went wrong. Terry started to squirm in the demon's clutches and he slapped her face. She continued to flail her head and Sue finally saw what the commotion was all about. He was holding her head with one mighty hand and her shoulder with the other as he moved his face down, slowly down, to her jugular vein. "Oh Niko," thought Sue, "where are you?" The hopelessness of the question dissolved instantly as she realized that Terry's life was about to eb snuffed out unless she did something herself. She sprang up and from beside the throne and pounced on Sir Jeffrey. Landing on his back with both knees, she clawed at his face with her fingernails. She dug into his eyes for all she was worth and Sir Jeffrey became distracted--but little more. He shrugged the naked brunette off his back with a fierce whipping of his shoulders and Sue tumbled across the floor. She got up again, noting a pain in her hip and searched quickly around the room. Then she snatched up the wine bottle and went after the demon again with venom in her eyes. The bottle crashed down on Sir Jeffrey's head and shattered all over the bed. A dull groan from within the powerful vampire signalled a glimmer of hope for Sue. He slumped to the side and Sue began tugging at Terry's bindings. She had loosened the ropes binding her arms and shoulders and she was working on the legs when she saw a blinding flash of white light inside her head and felt a horrible pain in her ribcage. She fell down on the floor beside the bed. As she gasped for air, Sir Jeffrey slid his foot under hips and with a swift movement of his leg, rolled the girl across the room and into the wall by the fireplace. Her body was racked with pain, but her adrenalin was working. She somehow got to her feet and picked up a poker from the fireplace. Sir Jeffrey had forgotten about her blonde friend and was coming for Sue. Terry lay on the bed frozen with fear. Sue undid her gag with one hand and opened her jaws wide as she could to slide the rubber dildo out of her mouth. "DUCHESS!" she screamed, throwing the gag on the floor, "get the hell out of here!" Terry turned slowly until their eyes met and then, instead of getting up, she stared to cry. So did Sue. "Come on!" she cried through the tears. "crawl if you have to, but go! I'll keep him busy." Sir Jeffrey was upon the courageous beauty by then. She swung the poker at him with all of her might, but he simply caught it, wrenched it away from her and threw it aside. His eyes were burning and Sue knew she was about to feel eight centuries of anger come down on her head. She reached out in a futile gesture to push him away and he grasped her wrists. Then he wrenched her wrists behind her and pinned them in the small of her back with one hand. Then he hoisted her up off the floor and pulled her hair down her back with his free hand. This bared her neck to him and his eyes sparkled with flame. Sue screamed when he opened his mouth and bared his fangs to her. "SIR JEFFREY!" Niko shouted from the doorway, "THE SUN!" The vampire turned and his face wrinkled up with horror as he looked to the window. He dropped Sue to the floor and shrank back against the wall. Niko produced a crucifix and ran over to him. He flailed his arms wildly as she closed on him and he ran from the shadows. Then they heard Helga's voice coming from out in the courtyard. "Sir Jeffrey! Come to the window and look upon your daughter for the last time!" All was clear to the spirit immediately. He stopped running and stared defiantly out the window. Lady Miranda had been stripped bare, gagged and bound up hand and foot with steel manacles and a spreader bar. Her neck had been chained to a nearby tree and there was nothing she could do but stand there helplessly and await the dawn. Sir Jeffrey cried aloud and the sound was enough to drill a new terror into the hearts of the vampire hunters. He screamed from the very depth of his being and leapt from the window. Lady Miranda turned at the sound to see her father lumbering up to her. She glanced lovingly at him and then looked up at the three women gathered at the window. She stared defiantly at them as her voluptuous body glistened in the first rays of sunlight. Then her knees buckled and she fell flat on her face, he bound hands groping in the air. Sir Jeffrey crawled up to her, but he collapsed on the ground with his outstretched hand a scant few inches from her foot. All four women watched silently, solemnly, as the two figures stopped twitching and then slowly crumbled into dust. And when all traces of the dust had been carried away by the morning breeze, the sound of a thrush gently wafted over the air, the first such sound to be heard on the estate in eight hundred years. Terry and Sue smiled when the driver got out of the limousine in front of the castle and they recognized him as the same one that had brought them there. "I wonder what he'd do if he knew all that had happened here this week." Terry mused. "Has it really been less than a week, Duchess?" Sue replied, "I feel like I've lived here for an eternity." "Just be glad you're still living at all girls." Helga was wearing her ear-to-ear smile again as she, Niko and Yvette came out the front door to day good-bye. "Both of you came close to cashing in last night." They nodded their heads and then Niko spoke up. "I must say. Terry and Sue, that you both were very brave." "Just remember," said Terry, "that you promised to ring us up in America if you ever get into anything like this again." Sue wrinkled up her nose. "Ring her up, Niko." she said. "I've had enough of ghosts and spirits, I'll be perfectly happy to read about your adventures at breakfast." They all giggled and then kissed each other goodbye. The driver loaded the luggage and helped the schoolgirls into the limo. As it sped down the road, Terry touched her friend on the shoulder. "Sue, you saved my life last night," she said as her eyes glistened. "Oh Duchess, I'm just so sorry that it took me so long to get my act together." "But you put yourself between him and me. I'll never forget that." Terry's voice was beginning to crack. They hugged each other affectionately and, as they parted, Terry grabbed Sue on the upper arms. She was ready to put her love for Sue on the line. The silence hung in the air as they looked into each other's eyes. Then slowly, deliberately, Terry moved her face toward Sue's. [ F I N I S ] (c) 1990 The Dark Side Inc. --