DDCONVERT INFO Last Updated 3/15/97 Copyright (C) 1995-97 MSD, Inc. Serial Number 755-000-123 DiskDupe Conversion Utility 1.0 Release 8 ----------------------------------------- * DDConvert converts other image formats into DiskDupe images and updates old DiskDupe images to DiskDUpe 5.1 format. * Type DDCONV /? for an information screen * DDCONV auto-senses what type of image is being converted. You can enter wilcard characters to convert several images at once. * Images supported are: Multi-Dupe, PCCOPY, ADC PCCOPY, Microsoft raw images, DataPath and IBM LoadDskf. Useful Tips ----------- * If you want to expedite the conversion process, you should copy all the images that need to be converted over to a specific hard drive subdirectory, then use the DOS wildcard character to specify which images you want to convert. For example type DDCONV *.* to convert all files in the subdirectoy, or type DDCONV *.ddi to convert all old DiskDupe images to the new format. * When using DDCONV to update your old DiskDupe images, your old images are automatically backed up and renamed with a .OLD extension. If you are converting a lot of images, this can fill up your hard drive real fast. Use the /D switch to have DDCONV automatically delete your old images after it converts them. If you do this, your original DiskDupe image will be irrecoverable. For example: DDCONV *.DDI /D.