----- DISCLAIMER: This is a text file of an interview with a man who CLAIMS to have once been of the Wiccan faith. Anything you read herein should be read with the understanding that it comes from someone now outside of the Craft and the System Operators do not necessarily support all of the viewpoints expressed in this file. We have put this file online in order to give Wiccans, in particular, an idea of what others believe our world to be. ----- QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ON WICCA: A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE OF WITCHCRAFT by Keith A. Morse While many modern-day Wiccans try to present their religion in a way acceptable to 20th century man, their traditions remain age-old. Tom Sanguinet explained the background and basic beliefs of Wicca to us. Sanguinet breaks down all religions into four basic ones: Christianity, contemporary Judaism, Satanism and witchcraft. All occultism and Eastern religions would be classified with witchcraft by him. WHAT IS WICCA? Wicca is the Celtic word for 'wise.' Wicca-craft means 'craft of the wise.' WHAT IS THE WICCAN CONCEPT OF GOD? They believe first of all in a triunal god. In other words, there's the god, or the godhead, the omnipotent power of the universe. They believe in the godhead as being all the good and all the bad - whole circle. That's what the circle represents. It's unapproachable, neither male nor female, it's uncomprehendible. It's there. Directly beneath that you have what is termed "the lord and the lady." The lord is not our Lord, but the lord of darkness. The lord of darkness rules such things as war, planting, plowing, the male aspect. The winter months, the cold months belong to this lord of darkness. The summer months, the growing months, the productive months belong to what they call the lady, or the goddess. These are depicted by such figures as (the Egyptian deities) Isis and Osiris, (the Greek deities) Diana and Apollo, and (the Canaanite deities) Astarte and Baal. Virtually every pagan religion that was goddess-oriented is the same. Satan just keeps renaming the same lie. There's no new religion. HOW DO WICCANS RELATE TO THE GODHEAD? They say the godhead has no power on the earth, that it is up to the witches to raise the power to produce what is done. WHAT OTHER BASIC BELIEFS DO WICCANS ADHERE TO? The most common basis for witchcraft is reincarnation. This you have in all the Eastern religions, that tenet of "no responsibility in life because karmatically we'll get it right some other time." So there's no moral responsibility. The other tenet is: 'As it harm none, so do as you will.' You don't really set out to harm anyone, you set out to evolve them -- evolve their spirit. WHAT DO WICCANS BELIEVE IS MAN'S ULTIMATE SPIRITUAL DESTINY? It depends on which tradition you are. Some say you'll meld in with the godhead. Some say that through a series of melding, many consciousnesses will meld together and create another godhead, so you see an analogy with Mormonism. After you achieve a certain level of consciousness, you meld with others who have achieved that level of consciousness and you go from being to super-being. You put three June bugs together and you get a German shepherd, you put three German shepherds together and you get a man. This is something where witches don't have a set dogma. They just reach up in the air and grab one. ARE WICCANS AND SATANISTS THE SAME THING? There's not a connection really between witchcraft and Satanism. It's only been in the neo-system of the occult that witchcraft and Satanism have taken this melding. Satanists have always worshiped the negative entities or deities -- the temple of Seth in ancient Egypt, for example. Witches don't fear God and they don't believe in Satan. They're duped and they're really blinded. WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE ATTRACTED TO WICCA? People who are looking for answers but not looking for a lot of responsibility. It really appeals to big-business men because they can go on slaughtering their opponents and feel like they are helping them to progress. Whereas, as a Christian, you can't go out and just stomp all over your competitor and have your business be blessed. I can't. WHAT IS WICCA'S APPEAL? Power; sex -- let's face it, sex is a big draw for the less- intellectual and more world-minded neo-pagan type; rebellion -- there's a lot of people that get into it thinking, "this is exactly opposite what I was raised in and I'm gonna get back at my mother and father for raising me that way"; thrill-seeking -- the fear fetish; some of them get in seeking righteousness or seeking God but without real direction. HOW MANY WICCANS ARE THERE IN THE UNITED STATES? There are about 300,000 of them in this country today. WHY DON'T WE NOTICE THEM MORE? They try to present themselves as very humble and very educated -- and they are, most of them -- and they try to be low-key and low-profile most of the time... That's why people say that they don't think there are too many of them. The only ones they really hear about are the kooks or some of the traditional witches are coming out of the closets... and saying, "Hey look, these kooks are not what it's about," and they're trying to make it acceptable now and to move among the world -- and with the humanistic movement this is making it easier and easier all the time. HOW CAN A CHRISTIAN KNOW IF A PERSON IS A WICCAN? The Bible gives us the ability to discern the spirits. All you've got to do is talk to somebody and you can usually tell when you ask them how they're going to get to heaven. And if they say by good works or by reincarnation, you've got a pretty good idea that they are not scriptural. A witch will never openly claim fellowship with Jesus Christ. The spirit cannot do it. HOW DO WICCANS VIEW CHRIST? They all consider -- everyone that I ever talked to -- Him a prophet. Of course, they consider Mohammed a prophet, too. The difference is Jesus was 100% right and Mohammed has never been right yet. (Wiccans believe Jesus) was working toward progression too. He was as much the Son of God as everyone else is. HOW SHOULD CHRISTIANS WITNESS TO WICCANS? Real strong. You have to take authority. You have to use a lot of scripture. All you can do is plant a seed. You cannot expect to walk up to somebody who's involved deeply in the occult, who's really dedicated in the occult, and see results. Not on a onetime, one-on-one contact. You cannot expect it. If you expect it, you're gonna be let down. This is seed. You plant that seed, and like that mustard seed, you can drill a hole in solid stone, and drop that mustard seed down in there, cover it up with a little fertile soil and you can water it and that little mustard seed will grow and split that rock wide open. You tell them how they can find the Lord. You can tell them there's peace in the Lord. You give them scripture like Deuteronomy 18, where witchcraft is condemned, you give them Galatians 5:19-20 where the Bible speaks clearly that witchcraft is condemnation, and that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, and that they can be a new creature in Christ Jesus, then you turn it over to the Lord. You don't argue theology with them... These people are experts on theology, just like the Mormons are experts on theology. But if you give them Jesus, there is nothing they can say. Not one person in 32 years witnessed Jesus to me. SHOULD CHRISTIANS BE AFRAID THAT WITCHES WILL TRY TO USE THEIR POWERS AGAINST THEM? I love it when they do try that... Gavin Frost led a circle of 65 witches in St. Louis last year at their Samhain seminar -- my wife Audrey and I went up there -- and we sat right in the middle of that circle -- right dead in the center of it -- Gavin Frost is doing everything he could to blow me away. This Samhain, I won't be able to make it (to the seminar) because his spell "worked" so well we got the baby we've been praying for. And I got a house that the Lord gave that I didn't even really want. And I've got a job, a ministry that I can't afford to leave. He blew me away so much that I'm so blessed that I can't go anywhere. I John 4:4 says: "You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than is he who is in the world." If a Christian is afraid to witness to a witch, then that Christian needs to go back to the Bible.