Excerpt from "Witchcraft - What Is It?" by Paul Hugli. MODERN WITCHCRAFT RITES Most modern rites of wicca are derived from Dr. Gerald Brosslow Gardner, philosopher, who travelled the world, returning to his native England in 1946. He had knowledge of ancient religions and opened a witchcraft museum on the Isle of Mann. Also, he was a practising witch and by his death in 1964 he had thousands of followers. Ceremonial setup consists of five things: 1) secrecy; 2) an alter covered with white cloth; around it is a nine foot diameter circle marked on the floor with chalk or tape; 3) about the circle are the cabbalistic symbols of wicca, which will help to summon the gods; 4) a candle is placed at each compass point, and on the alter is a censer (with burning incense), a whip or scourge, an athame (a small knife), a copper pentacle, a long blade sword, and containers of salt and water; and 5) a pentagram is drawn within the circle, representing the four elements (fire, water, air, and earth) and the Quintessence (the so-called fifth element...the unseen or beyond...the source of occult power). The actual ceremony can be conducted by the HP, wearing a bronze helmet with horns (representing the hunting god), or the HPS, who represents the Golden Mother or Great Mother (the goddess of fertility). The coven members are either naked or dressed in white robes. The worshippers are taken into the circumference of the circle. Near by is THE BOOK OF SHADOWS, which each new leader hand-copies from her "mentor". There are four parts to the wicca ceremony: 1) The blessing of the coven--the circle is consecrated with salt and water; and the HP or HPS recites, over the bowed heads of the coven, "Eko, Eko, Azarak...Eko, Eko, Zamelak...Eko, Eko, Eko, Eko."; then all members join hands; 2) The ritual dance--members dance around the circle as the leader calls the gods to guide them; 3) The initiation of new members--if the neophyte is female, the HP performs the rite; the HPS if male. The new member kneels naked before the altar, the leader rising the athame high and to the East, tells the gods of another initiation...asking for their blessing. Then the neophyte is allowed to enter the circle, where he is blindfolded and wrists tied behind the back with a cord tied to the neck. he is instructed by the HPS/HP not to pass on the secrets of the coven and the promise is sealed with blood from the neophyte's small finger. With the ritual sword at the neophyte's breast, he vows his/her obedience to the cult. Then the neophyte is unbound and has the blindfold removed. Lastly, the HPS/HP perform the "five- fold kiss"...on the neophyte's feet, knees, genitals, breasts, and lips...thus signifying the birth of a new witch; 4) The request to the gods, asking for the gift of health, prosperity, fertility, and well-being. Then another ritual dance takes place. And, though the dance may seem erotic, intercourse is the exception and not the rule. Transfered to computer by Allyson Taylor