Filename |
Size |
Description of the Textfile |
10signs.txt | 1251 | Ten Signs of the Superior Person, by Tibetan Master Milarepa |
12invoc.txt | 2940 | The 12th C. Herbal Invocation |
13goals.txt | 409 | The 13 Goals of a Witch |
13princi.txt | 3714 | Principles of Wiccan Beliefs |
13ques.txt | 13442 | Thirteen Questions, by R. Roy |
2400-500.txt | 238107 | The Parts of The Soul: A Greek System of Chakras, by John Opsopaus |
2501-599.txt | 273152 | The Parts of The Soul: A Greek System of Chakras, by John Opsopaus (Part 2) |
2600-700.txt | 288927 | The Parts of The Soul: A Greek System of Chakras, by John Opsopaus (Part 3) |
2701-800.txt | 300980 | The Parts of The Soul: A Greek System of Chakras, by John Opsopaus (Part 4) |
2801-873.txt | 232763 | The Parts of The Soul: A Greek System of Chakras, by John Opsopaus (Part 5) |
2874-290.txt | 86980 | The Parts of The Soul: A Greek System of Chakras, by John Opsopaus (Part 7) |
2901-000.txt | 256781 | The Parts of The Soul: A Greek System of Chakras, by John Opsopaus (Part 8) |
2degree.rit | 8704 | A Ceremony to Recognise Completion of the 2nd Degree Course of Study |
2police.txt | 24735 | What Law Enforcement Agencies Need to Know about Witchcraft, by Mike Nichols |
3001-100.txt | 272165 | The Parts of The Soul: A Greek System of Chakras, by John Opsopaus (Part 9) |
4-airts.txt | 2342 | The Four Airts | | 1325 | Did You See the Halloween Issue of the 700 Club? |
8sabbats.txt | 5944 | The Eight Sabbats of the Old Religion | | 4636 | The Abbreviated Laws |
acsfpw.txt | 6463 | A Christian Speaks on the Faith and Path of Wicca by James Clement Taylor |
adf_belt | 12464 | Transcription of the Original Planned Ritual for Beltane for the Shaow Weaver Grove by Joseph Teller (May 5, 1990) |
afwitch.txt | 2002 | News of Air Force Cadet Allowed to Observe Wiccan Holidays (April 25, 1989) |
aidenkel.txt | 2194 | The Ballad of Aidan Kelley (to the tune of Tom Lehrer's "Alma") By A. Nony Mouse (November 16, 1991) |
aidsheal.rit | 3586 | Moon Web: AIDS Working |
air.txt | 1837 | Information on the Element of Air (January 16, 1990) |
alert86.txt | 4905 | Circle Sanctuary Wins First Zoning Battle from Brad Hicks (January 28, 1988) |
alterna.txt | 2837 | Alternative Craft Laws, by John P. McClimans |
ancntart.txt | 9382 | Information on The Ancient Art (Wicca) |
anctart.txt | 9476 | The Ancient Art: The Story of Witchcraft |
anne01.txt | 10545 | A Survivor Speaks, by Anne: A Ritual Abuse Survivor |
anoint.oil | 883 | Annointing Oil: The Druwydd Tradition |
answers.txt | 37627 | Witchcraft: Some ANswers for the Curious (July 7, 1988) |
antiwicc.txt | 6601 | A Listing of Different Anti-Wiccan Authorities and Organizations |
aphorism.txt | 2132 | Various Aphorisms (Proverbs) of Wicca (January 13, 1990) | | 21101 | Aporrheton 5: The Craft Laws by Judy Harrow |
aporrh5.txt | 20747 | Aporrheton 5: The Craft Laws, by Aidan Kelly |
artical.txt | 18248 | My Craft Ethics, by James T. Crowley III (1986) |
asthma.rit | 6368 | A Circle Purification That Doesn't Use Incense: For Asthmatics, Those with Allergies, and Thouse with Other Disorders, by Matrika |
astragal.txt | 14310 | Astragalus Membranaceous & White Blood Cell Function by Patricia Wolf B.Sc. N.D. |
astraltr.pan | 5054 | Astral Travel: Simplicity Itself |
athame.pan | 2889 | Explanation of the Athame (Double-Bladed Knife) by Matrika (April 19, 1990) |
athame2.pan | 1899 | Explanation of the Athame (Double-Bladed Knife) by Matrika (April 24, 1990) |
atlanta.01 | 11008 | Lady Galadriel and Lord Athanor (September, 1985) |
atlanta.02 | 10019 | Grove Of the Unicorn: October 11, 1985 |
atlanta.03 | 6511 | Grove of the Unicorn Part 3 |
atlanta1.txt | 10819 | Grove of the Unicorn (September, 1985) |
autmeqnx.txt | 3147 | The Equinox, by Vivienne West |
ayurved.txt | 4808 | Reflections on Ayurvedic Medicine |
balance.msg | 2896 | Gays in Traditional Craft, by Sourdough Jackson (December 1, 1988) |
ballad.txt | 2048 | The Witches' Ballad, by D.V. |
banesdef.txt | 7168 | Self Defense and Banes: A Discussion (August 16, 1987) |
bardcycl.txt | 84089 | The Bardic Year: A Ritual for Wiccan Groups, by the White Bard |
bardcyclr.txt | 102252 | REVISION: The Bardic Year: A Ritual for Wiccan Groups, by the White Bard (Revised) (October, 2003) |
bascraft.asc | 14189 | Basic Principles of the Craft (Transcription on 1970's Paper) |
bascraft.txt | 14208 | Some Basic Principles of The Craft, by The American Council of Witches |
belief.cog | 2675 | Beliefs and Customs of Wicca |
belief.txt | 2613 | Beliefs and Customs of Wicca |
beliefcog.occ | 2503 | Beliefs and Customs of Wicca |
beliefs.txt | 3989 | Principles of Wiccan Beliefs |
beliefs2.txt | 4057 | Principles of Wiccan Belief |
beltaine.rit | 5714 | The Firestar Beltaine (1986) |
beltan.txt | 7515 | The Beltane Conspiracy |
beltane.txt | 1354 | A Description of a Beltane Ceremony (January 14, 1990) |
besom.txt | 1588 | THe Besom Chant (January 16, 1990) |
bibledef.txt | 2621 | From "The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology" by Robbins / Crown |
biblio01.asc | 13882 | The Best Books about Neo-Paganaism and Witchcraft (November 1987) |
biblio1.txt | 14251 | Bibliography of Wicca Used in Classes by Fred Yoder and Moonbear (November, 1987) |
bkrev1.txt | 1947 | Attainment Through Magic |
blessbe.txt | 10834 | Touching the Power of Witches, by Andrea Behr (1987) |
blood.txt | 5632 | Blood Sacrifice by Althea Whitebirch |
bonevsfo.txt | 20888 | An Open Letter to Selena Fox, by Isaac Bonewits |
booklist.txt | 23755 | A Craft Reading List (January 18, 1993) |
books.txt | 11349 | Some Suggested Books about Modern Witchcraft, from the Rocky Mountain Pagan Journal |
bos_echo.001 | 238461 | The First Earthfire Circle Ceremony by Durwydd MacTara (June 5, 1992) |
burntime.txt | 3374 | L.A. Hussey Refutes the 9.5 Million Burned Witches Count (January 7, 1988) |
byflame.txt | 1789 | Invocation to the Horned God (January 16, 1990) |
cabot.occ | 5328 | Laurie Cabot is a Witch, by Barry Shlachter |
cakes.txt | 829 | A Cake Blessing (January 16, 1990) |
calend.txt | 7296 | International Red Garters: Sabbata and Esbats of 1988 |
calendar.txt | 11136 | A Calendar of Events in Wicca (January 1, 1989) |
calls.txt | 1701 | About Calls Used in Dances (January 16, 1990) |
candlema.txt | 8334 | Candlemas: The Light Returns, by Mike Nichols |
candlems.txt | 1555 | A Candlemas (January 14, 1990) |
candles1.txt | 7680 | Some Basic Candle Magic |
candlmas.txt | 7087 | Candlemas, by Gwydion Cinhil Kirontin |
carpe.hum | 11046 | An Introduction to CARPE: C-Net Alternative Religion Party Effort (Witch Network) |
catharsi.rit | 2712 | Information on Grounding Shields, by Judy Harrow (August 20, 1987) |
cauldron.rit | 1598 | The Cauldron Chant by Ammond Shadowcraft |
cawpri.occ | 4030 | Principles of Wiccan Belief |
chalice.pan | 2379 | The Use of the Chalice in Magick (April 27, 1990) |
charge.txt | 5352 | The Charge |
charge1.txt | 3349 | The Charge (Prose Version) (January 16, 1990) |
charge2.txt | 1832 | The Charge (Verse Version) (January 16, 1990) |
charmed.txt | 9784 | Charmed, I'm Sure: The Ethics of Love Spells, by Mike Nichols |
chrggdes.txt | 2840 | The Charge of the Goddess by Paul Seymour (March 18, 1992) |
chrghgod.txt | 2927 | The Charge of the Horned God by Paul Seymour (March 18, 1992) |
circcere.txt | 4305 | Circle Ceremony |
circdnce.txt | 3296 | Celtic Circle Dance by W. J. Bethancourt III (May 22, 1989) |
circle1.msg | 1129 | To Greyshield, with Love by Phoenix (March 4, 1989) |
circle1.txt | 5552 | Casting the Circle: A Rite Explanation (January 16, 1990) |
circle2.txt | 2009 | Circle Ceremony |
circle3.txt | 1098 | Closing the Circle (January, 1990) |
circrit.txt | 3755 | Circle Ceremony: Script |
clip-88.txt | 67746 | A Listing of Newspaper Witchcraft Articles by Rowan Moonstone |
clip-89.txt | 33243 | Continuation of Rowan Moonstone's Clipping List for 1989 on |
clipping.txt | 41560 | Clipping List for Witchcraft Article by Rowan Moonstone |
closing.rit | 703 | Opening the Circle: A Rite |
cog.txt | 8971 | The Covenant of the Goddess |
cogb.txt | 2560 | Beliefs and Customs of Wicca |
cogpldg.txt | 3005 | A Pledge to Pagan Spirituality, from paul Seymour (May 30, 1991) |
commgame.txt | 7060 | Communication Skills Games |
compare.txt | 2206 | A Comparison of Christianity and Wicca, from Kerr Cuchulain and Rowan Moonstone |
compu.psi | 3282 | The Use of Personal Computers in Psychical Research by Charles Honorton |
concept.txt | 14960 | Concepts of Wicca, by Jehana Silverwing (1988) |
cone.txt | 907 | The Cone of Power |
cone2.txt | 1149 | The Cone of Power (January 16, 1990) |
consec1.txt | 3608 | Consecrating a Sword or Athame (January 16, 1990) |
consec2.txt | 2729 | Consecrating Other Working Tools (Except a Sword or Athame) (January 16, 1990) |
corresp.pan | 1745 | A Table of Magickal Correspondences (March 16, 1990) |
course.txt | 19968 | The Basic Technologies of Witchcraft or Neopaganism |
coven.for | 9045 | Looking At Yourself and Your Role in the Coven |
coven.txt | 9769 | Looking At Yourself in Wicca from the EarthRite BBS |
covenant.txt | 2413 | Beliefs and Customs of Wicca |
covtgdes.txt | 9473 | The Covenant of the Goddess by Paul Saymour (March 6, 1991) | | 9066 | The Ancient Art (Information on Witchcraft) |
craft.sta | 6205 | Getting Started in the Craft, by Fiona Oceanstar |
craftbib.txt | 22210 | An Annotated Bibligoraphy for a Witchcraft Class, by Michael Nichols |
creashun.txt | 1537 | Creation: An Oral Teaching of the Faery Tradition of Witchcraft |
creation.txt | 1570 | Creation: An oral Teaching of the Faery Tradition of Witchcraft |
creed.asc | 2640 | The Creed (A Rite) |
creed2.txt | 2766 | The Autarchic Creed, by Justificus |
crone.pan | 4096 | Calling all Crones by Grey Cat |
crone.txt | 3842 | Calling All Crones, by Grey Cat |
cultdang.txt | 2432 | Cult Danger Evaluation Frame |
curricul.txt | 2901 | Wiccan Curriculum for Firestar |
cyber1.txt | 6818 | Cyberwicca, by Ammond Shadowcraft (July 26, 1989) |
cybercft.txt | 18816 | Cybercraft: The Proposal by Ammond Shadowcraft (December 31, 1989) |
dance.txt | 1135 | The Meeting Dance (January 16, 1990) |
darkmaid.txt | 6777 | Discovering the Maiden Goddess by Shekhinah Mountainwater |
dawncnst.txt | 4608 | The Constitution of the Denver Area Wiccan Network |
define.txt | 3037 | Witch, as Defined in the Bible, by Brad Hicks |
degrees | 6272 | Degrees of Initiation (June 24, 1986) |
descent.txt | 4785 | The Legend of the Descent of the Goddess (January 16, 1990) |
dianic.wic | 7656 | Deanism in a Nuit-Shell |
dianism.txt | 8008 | Dianism in a Nuit-Shell (December 9, 1988) |
diction.txt | 2499 | A Wiccan Dictionary |
drawmoon.txt | 2521 | Drawing Down the Moon (Rite) (January 16, 1990) |
drdideas.txt | 13784 | What Neopagan Druids Believe, by P.E.I. Bonewits (1984) |
drdpol.txt | 7878 | The Political Implications of Reviving Druidism, by P.E.I. Bonewits (1984) |
dulltale.txt | 10624 | Dull Tales of the Occult, by Morgain Blake |
earth.txt | 1744 | Explanation of the Earth Symbol (January 16, 1990) |
ecrit1.txt | 1923 | An Eclectic Circle Ceremony by Durwydd MacTara (June 4, 1991) |
ecrit2.txt | 1716 | An Eclectic Circle Ceremony by Durwydd MacTara (June 4, 1991) (Part II) |
ecrit3.txt | 1874 | An Eclectic Circle Ceremony by Durwydd MacTara (June 4, 1991) (Part III) |
elecgart.y86 | 41641 | The Electric Garters of California (1986) |
enroll.txt | 3567 | The Questions of Enrollment in Wicca 101 |
esbat.txt | 1110 | The Esbat Ritual (January 13, 1990) |
essenc.txt | 7059 | Essential Oil Technical Data |
ethics&e.pan | 4096 | Ethics or Etiquette? By Ellen |
ethics&e.txt | 3968 | Ethics or Etiquette, by Ellen |
ethics.txt | 2306 | Ethics, from paul Hume |
excercis.pan | 1915 | Exercises for Elemental Absorption and Projection (March 16, 1990) | | 8750 | Exegesis on the Wiccan Rede by Judy Harrow (1985, 1987) |
exegesis.txt | 8906 | Exegesis on the Wiccan Rede, by Judy Harrow |
faith.txt | 1741 | A Lesson In Faith |
file18md.txt | 17292 | The Reachout and Larry Jones File 18 Newsletter (October 1989) |
fire.txt | 1635 | Explanation of the Fire Symbol (January 16, 1990) |
firebelt.rit | 6144 | The Firestar Beltaine (1986) |
fish.asc | 2701 | Once, There Was a Fish, by Doug Rosentrater |
force101.txt | 31456 | Description of the Nature of the Occult Through a Message Base (April 28, 1989) |
forms.lea | 4705 | The Different Forms of Magick and Wicca by Amythyst |
gardner.txt | 9343 | Gardnerianism, by Kyril Oakwind and Judy Harrow (1989) |
gardneri.wic | 7694 | Gardnerianism by Kyril Oakwind & Judy Harrow (Summer 1989) |
geraldo.txt | 28672 | Transcription of a Geraldo Show on Witches and Witchcraft |
glenda.txt | 3141 | Gelnda, The Good Witch of the North: Portrait of a Power User |
gloss.txt | 5432 | An Incomplete Glossary of Pagan Terms, by Blackhawk |
gloss1.txt | 3231 | Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Wicca by Rowan Moonstone and Durwydd MacTara (June 14, 1991) |
gloss2.txt | 2864 | Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Wicca by Rowan Moonstone and Durwydd MacTara (June 14, 1991) (Part 2) |
gloss3.txt | 2888 | Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Wicca by Rowan Moonstone and Durwydd MacTara (June 14, 1991) (Part 3) |
gloss4.txt | 2747 | Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Wicca by Rowan Moonstone and Durwydd MacTara (June 14, 1991) (Part 4) |
gloss5.txt | 1952 | Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Wicca by Rowan Moonstone and Durwydd MacTara (June 14, 1991) (Part 5) |
god.txt | 2704 | The Charge of the God |
goddess.txt | 2616 | The Charge of the Goddess |
goddess.wic | 11402 | Blessed Be: Touching the Power of Witches, by Andrea Behr (November 28, 1987) |
goodtime.txt | 5360 | Some Thoughts on a Good Time, by Waermund Waeda |
goodwife.txt | 22912 | The Wise Goodwife |
great.txt | 2486 | The Great Rite: Alternative Verse Version of Priest's Declamation (January 16, 1990) |
greatgod.txt | 1038 | The Great God Cernunnos Invocation (January 16, 1990) |
greenpin.txt | 6180 | A Letter from a Craft Suster in Texas |
ground.txt | 6515 | Self-Defense and Banes, by Judy Harrow |
handbook.txt | 14587 | Excerpt from the U.S. Army's Religious Requirements and Practices of Certain Selected Groups: A Handbook for Chaplains: Wicca |
handfast.rit | 7583 | A Listing of a Wedding/Handfasting Ceremony, from Ryan Hunter (October 23, 1987) |
harvest.rit | 8136 | Harvest Home Ritual by Michael Fix (1987) |
heal.pag | 8363 | The Craft and the Healing Arts | | 3601 | How I "Heal" by Matrika of the Psychic Awareness Network |
healing1.txt | 5252 | Healing: A Communication with Yourself |
healing2.txt | 2696 | Healing: A Communication With Yourself (Healing Specific Ailments) |
healing3.txt | 1478 | Healing: A Communication With Yourself (Visualization for Healing Pain) from the Wizard Ariel |
healing4.txt | 1547 | Healing: A Communication With Yourself (Assisting Medical Therapy) |
healing5.txt | 2153 | Healing: A Communication With Yourself (Visualization for First Aid) |
healing6.txt | 2041 | Healing: A Communication With Yourself (Visualization for Energy Flow) |
healing7.txt | 2907 | Healing: A Communication With Yourself (Noise Removal Breathing) |
healing8.txt | 1214 | Healing: A Communication With Yourself (The Energy Column Visualization) |
heretic.txt | 11135 | The Heretic's Corner, by Buck Jump |
hern2deg.txt | 8361 | A Ceremony to Recognise Completion of the 2nd Degree Course of Study |
hndfst2.rit | 2749 | Full Explanation of a Handfasting Ritual |
idiot.txt | 4038 | A Rant Against Witches and Tax Exemption |
init1.txt | 9117 | A First Degree Initiation (January 16, 1989) |
init2.txt | 5542 | The Initiation of the Second Degree (January 16, 1990) |
init3.txt | 5724 | An Initation of the Third Degree (January 13, 1990) |
initiate.txt | 5928 | A Plea for Initiation Standards |
initnote.txt | 2338 | The First Degree Initation Ritual (January 13, 1990) |
initstan.txt | 6137 | A Plea for Initation Standards (March 3, 1992) |
intro.dwn | 2035 | What is the Denver Area Wiccan Network (D.A.W.N.)? |
intropag.txt | 7552 | An Introduction to Wicca |
invinc.txt | 2428 | A Collection of Invocations and Incantations |
invoke.rit | 6144 | An Invocation to Frigg by Russ Anderson (May 7, 1988) |
jct.txt | 5801 | A Christian Speaks on the Faith and Path of Wicca by James Clement Taylor |
jewish.txt | 9552 | Being Jewish and Wiccan (One Woman's View) by Anahita Gula |
joan.txt | 4636 | Joan on the Witch Laws (August 22, 1981) |
jrflaws.txt | 22528 | Your High Priestess |
jtlesson.txt | 6507 | Lessons the Books Haven't Spoken of by Joseph Teller |
kamjrnl.txt | 2545 | About K.A.M.: A Journal of Traditional Wicca, from the Keepers of the Ancient Mysteries (1987) |
lammas.txt | 6109 | Lammas (January 14, 1990) |
laws.txt | 21364 | The Old Law - The Published Version (January 13, 1990) |
lesson1.txt | 40722 | An introduction to the Old Religion Lesson 1: The Goddess Religions in the Old World |
lesson2.txt | 42763 | An introduction to the Old Religion Lesson 2: The Modern Scientific View of the Universe |
lesson3.txt | 43858 | An introduction to the Old Religion Lesson 3: The Development of the Mystery Religions |
lesson3a.txt | 42853 | An introduction to the Old Religion Lesson 3a: An Introduction to the Old Religion |
lesson4.txt | 41558 | An introduction to the Old Religion Lesson 4: Magic in Theory |
lesson5.txt | 21349 | An introduction to the Old Religion Lesson 5: The Meaning of Ritual in Working Magic |
lesson6.txt | 39739 | An introduction to the Old Religion Lesson 6: A Philosophy of Construction |
lesson7.txt | 39707 | An introduction to the Old Religion Lesson 7: Magic in the Craft |
lesson7a.txt | 20316 | An introduction to the Old Religion Lesson 7a: Casting Your Own Candles |
lesson8.txt | 38423 | An introduction to the Old Religion Lesson 8: On Joining a Coven |
lothlor.txt | 4541 | Discussing a Gunflight Between Fundamentalists and The Lothlorien Coven (June 20, 1990) |
mabon.txt | 2094 | The Autumnal Equinox (January 14, 1990) |
mag-pol2.txt | 11936 | Introduction to the Neopaganism, Witchcraft and Magick Echo Conference Network (May 1, 1990) | | 9320 | The Laws of Magic, by P.E.I. Bonewits |
magic.not | 7019 | When Magic Doesn't Work, by Van Ault |
magic.out | 3322 | The Basics of Magick: An Outline |
magick.txt | 3008 | The Basics of Magick |
magick2.txt | 6111 | Magick 2: The Subjectivity of Experience |
magick4.txt | 5072 | Magick 4: Elements and Forces |
magiclaw.txt | 3726 | The Laws of Magic |
maphis1.txt | 9497 | Theology of Witchcraft: Objections to Temple Religions by Maphis and Leokadia |
mayday.txt | 9842 | A Celebration of May Day by Gwydion Cinhil Kirontin |
mccele.001 | 5396 | A Listing of the Traditional Elements of Lore |
mccrit01.txt | 10041 | The Greek Fire Initation (Rite and Script) |
mccrit02.txt | 1552 | The Greek Fire Initation (Rite and Script) (Seeker's Copy) |
media.txt | 17920 | Reactive Response and Proactive Encounter: Dealing with the Media |
mediawfc.txt | 10880 | Reactive Response and Proactive Encounter: Dealing with the Media |
medix.txt | 8045 | When Magic Doesn't Work, by Van Ault |
mens1.txt | 5519 | The Men's Circle, by Robin (1986) |
mens2.txt | 5290 | The Men's Circle, by Robin (1986) |
mens3.txt | 3757 | The Men's Circle |
midsumme.txt | 9652 | A Midsummer Celebration, by Mike Nichols, aka Gwydion |
moe.txt | 6144 | Mistress of Etiquette |
my_wicca.txt | 14821 | My Wicca, by Durwydd MacTara |
newlaw.txt | 32896 | The New Book of the Law |
newlaws.txt | 31360 | The New Book of the Law, by Lady Galadriel |
nors-sam.rit | 13514 | Nroogd Samhain (1987) |
nwlwsjrf.txt | 25860 | The New Book of the Law: Commentary by J. Random Folksinger |
o-runic.rit | 5760 | The Opening Ritual for Rune Magick |
octrit.txt | 2797 | A Samhain Ritual |
odin-lam.rit | 3434 | Odin's Lament by Carol E. Meacham (1991) |
ointment.txt | 960 | How to Make Anointing Ointment (January 16, 1990) |
oldcall.txt | 1256 | The Ancient Call (January 14, 1990) |
oldgard.txt | 17280 | Reflections on Old Guard Paganism, by Mike Nichols |
openwitc.txt | 3466 | An open Letter to a Witch (March 3, 1992) |
oprah.txt | 49300 | TRANSCRIPTION: The Oprah Winfrey Show (June 24, 1987) |
ordeal.txt | 1792 | Of the Ordeal of the Art Magical (January 16, 1990) | | 8071 | Update on the OTO Raid (December 3, 1989) |
ourways.txt | 2122 | The Nature of Our Ways |
pagan.ple | 2731 | A Pledge to Pagan Spirituality |
pagan_aa.txt | 13656 | Alcoholics Anonymous and the Neo-Pagan, by The Bard |
pagntech.txt | 6689 | Pagan Technology |
pamphlet.lst | 2682 | A List of Pamphlets Available Regarding Cults |
paninvoc.rit | 4533 | The Invocation of Pan |
parents.txt | 2531 | NW Pagan Parents Organize |
paths.txt | 2419 | Gardnerian Wicca |
pentacle.pan | 2987 | Description of the Pentacle (April 27, 1990) |
pentacle.txt | 2149 | What is a Pentacle |
pledge.txt | 2816 | A Pledge to Pagan Spirituality |
plw.txt | 18375 | The Poor Little Witch, by Jack T. Chick, adapted by J. Brad Hicks |
porno.txt | 8659 | Pagan Porno? By Pagan X |
power.txt | 3474 | Power (January 16, 1990) |
pray-#1.rit | 2622 | Elemental Prayers by the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn (1990) |
pray-#2.rit | 1281 | Elemental Prayers by the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn (1990) |
prepare.txt | 2039 | Properly Prepared (January 16, 1990) |
principl.txt | 14012 | The Basic Principles of the Craft |
project.txt | 1593 | To Leave the Body (January 16, 1990) |
pubcraft.txt | 4357 | Witches: Who Are They? By Queen Ellery |
publcbos.txt | 124453 | The Public Contents of the Book of Shadows from Gardnerian Traditional Witchcraft |
quarters.rit | 4381 | Circle Ceremony (Script) |
reclmgod.txt | 12112 | Ritual for Women Reclaiming the God (July 22, 1988) |
rede-bel.txt | 3548 | The Principles of Wiccan Belief |
rede.txt | 8896 | Exegesis on the Wiccan Rede by Judy Harrow (1987) |
rede2.txt | 3524 | Witches Rede of Chivalry |
redes.txt | 2679 | The Wiccan Redes (January 13, 1990) |
rhymchrg.txt | 1392 | The Rhyming Charge of the Goddess |
rights.txt | 3780 | Witches Pressing for Religious Rights, by Bob Harvey |
ritdedic.txt | 12046 | The Pre-Initiatory Dedication Tirual by Ashta'ar-Arthura and Cleindori for the Proteus Lineage |
riteold.txt | 1152 | The Old Religion |
rites.txt | 3114 | Modern Witchcraft Rites |
ritmabon.txt | 4112 | A Mabon Outline (The Ritual of Mabon) |
ritual.the | 46225 | Ritual Theory and Technique by Colin Low (1990) |
round.txt | 1666 | The Witches' Round (January 16, 1990) |
rune.txt | 1794 | The Witches' Rune (January 16, 1990) |
runes.dis | 20114 | The Runes: An Overview, History, and Description |
samhain.txt | 3477 | Public Service Announcement Regaring Samhain |
satwic.rep | 5390 | Review of the Book "The Satan Seller" from the Wiccan Perspective |
saxonwic.txt | 8758 | The Saxon Wicca Rites from The Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft by Matrika |
seasonal.hol | 82599 | The Eight Sabbats of Witchcraft, by Mike Nicholes |
seasons.txt | 80898 | The Eight Sabbats of Witchcraft, by mich Nichols |
seeker.txt | 3059 | The Tale of the Seeker and the Crone |
selena.txt | 22125 | An Open Letter to Selena Fox by Isaac Bonewits |
shadow1.txt | 32773 | A Collection of Wiccan Definitions, Times, and Dates |
shamman.txt | 7568 | Wiccan Shamanism by Selena Fox (July 26, 1989) |
sheba.txt | 20377 | The Laws, from Lady Sheba, Your High Priestess |
shock.txt | 2366 | Wiccan Shock Value? By Allyson Taylor |
sight.txt | 4906 | To Get the Sight (January 16, 1990) |
simbole.rit | 3949 | Solitaire Imbole Ritual by Michael Hall (January 31, 1990) |
simple.rit | 3714 | A Simple Ritual of Wiccan One (1986) |
sinered.txt | 6895 | A Wiccan's Viewpoint Concerning Evil, Sin, and Redemption by Heidi-Tanya L. Agin (December 12, 1990) |
smudging | 6568 | Smudging: How to Do it, and How NOT to Do it |
spell.des | 6491 | Planning and Implementing a Spell |
spell1.txt | 4885 | The Phases of the Moon and Spells Thereof |
spellboo.txt | 6574 | The Beginner's Spellbook by Lord Soth |
spellcon.txt | 8814 | Basic Spell Construction, by The Witching Well (1981) |
spring.txt | 2779 | Ritual for the Vernal Equinox (Eostar) (January 14, 1990) |
ssbos-a.txt | 22485 | Words To the Wise, And the Nature of Our Way |
ssbos-b.txt | 30094 | A Yule (December 21) Ritual |
ssbos-c.txt | 7822 | An Invocation to the God |
ssbos-d.txt | 14493 | Of Gathering Flowers, Herbs, and Plants |
ssbos-e.txt | 4000 | Spells and Magic: A Protective Chant |
ssbos-f.txt | 9556 | Rituals of Crystal Magick |
ssbos-g.txt | 3648 | A Self-Dedication Rite |
ssbos-h.txt | 26825 | Essay: The Days of Power |
summer.txt | 2293 | A Midsummer Ritual (January 14, 1990) |
synopsis.txt | 10235 | The Covenant of the Goddess (Description of the Coven) |
talisman.txt | 26524 | A Listing of Planetary Talismans (January 5, 1993) |
tcourse1.txt | 8192 | The Basic Technologies of Witchcraft |
tea.rit | 3695 | The Wiccan Rite of Tea |
teacher | 4864 | Learning in Grandmother's Lap |
teacresp | 4994 | In Grandmother's Lap, by the Spinster's Lap |
tenets.txt | 757 | The Tenets (January 16, 1990) |
test.txt | 20357 | An Examination of the Material of the Spiral Dance |
to_fly.txt | 5339 | Be Ready to Fly, by Brother 143 |
toi.824 | 17101 | The Beliefs and Customs of Wicca |
tool.rit | 3200 | Consecration of Chalise, Athame or Other Tool |
tool.txt | 4096 | Consecreation of Chalice, Athame, or Other Tool |
tools1.txt | 2156 | The Working Tools (January 16, 1990) |
tools2.txt | 659 | Making Tools (January 16, 1990) |
trans.txt | 3555 | Transcript of KSDK Newscast on Witchcraft and Occult Bulletin Boards (October 24, 1990) |
truewill.rit | 2457 | The True Will Ritual |
twowitch.txt | 6927 | Two Witches: A Modern Craft Fairytale by Mike Nichols |
various.txt | 1739 | Various Instructions (January 16, 1990) | | 4294 | An Open Mind? Hah! From Judy Stein (December 20, 1989) |
w_hour.txt | 9758 | The Witching Hour, by Joan Connell (October 20, 1990) |
wandmake.txt | 4594 | Making a Wand, from matrika (April 18, 1990) |
wanduse.pan | 3500 | The Use of a Wand in Ceremonial Magick and Wicca (April 19, 1990) |
water.txt | 1768 | Information on the Water Element (January 16, 1990) |
wcreed.txt | 2444 | The Witches' Creed (Poem) |
whatwic1.txt | 2372 | A Brief Overview of Wicca (February 11, 1989) |
whatwic2.txt | 6424 | What is Wicca? An introduction to the old religion of Europe and its Modern Revival by Amber K. High Priestess of Our Lady of the Woods |
wheel.txt | 4157 | ASCII Representation of the Witches' Wheel (January 16, 1990) |
whunt1.txt | 7296 | The Great Oregon Witch Hunt, by Stephanie Fox |
whunt2.txt | 4608 | The Great Oregon Witch Hunt by Stephanie Fox (Part 2) |
wic-aa.txt | 13664 | Alcoholics Anonymous and the Neo-Pagan, by The Bard |
wic-hist.txt | 19200 | A Wiccan History, by Dagmar |
wic_magi.txt | 3072 | The Basics of Magick (An Outline) |
wicahis1.txt | 44096 | The History of Wicca in England, from 1939 to the Present Day (March 10, 1993) |
wicahis2.txt | 16514 | Witches and the Western Mystery Traditions (November 27, 1992) |
wicanews.txt | 22457 | Altar Egos, by Janine De Fao (April 7, 1994) |
wicapoem.txt | 1674 | A Poem of the Burning (July 20, 1991) |
wicc-way.txt | 2025 | The Wiccan Way |
wicca.bas | 3129 | The Basics of Practicing Witchcraft and Wicca |
wicca.cou | 19393 | Basic Technologies of Witchcraft |
wicca.wha | 12295 | What is Wicca? By SunBear and Salmon writing in OPeN Ways |
wicca1.txt | 50690 | What is Wicca? An Introduction to the Old Religion of Europe and its Modern Revival, by Amber K, High Priestess |
wicca2.txt | 9962 | A Little Less Misunderstanding: What Christians Don't Understand About Neopaganism, by J. Brad Hicks |
wicca3.txt | 3740 | Wicca, Wicca, Who's Got the Wicca? or My Tradition, or Yours? By Hurn |
wicca4.txt | 2901 | What The Craft Really Means |
wiccabac.occ | 6263 | What is Wicca? An introduction to the "Old Religion" of Europe and its Modern Revival, by Amber K. |
wiccagen.occ | 2658 | The General Points of Wicca |
wiccan.txt | 5376 | Listing of Books for Wiccan/Pagan Ways |
wiccans.txt | 22656 | Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie by William Schnoebelen (1990) |
wiccaout.txt | 19679 | Basic Technologies of Witchcraft |
wiccapam.txt | 16167 | Wicca: The Craft, by Merlana (1983) |
wiccaphi.occ | 13496 | Wiccan Philosophy, by Thyagi Nagasiva |
wiccarap.txt | 1150 | A Wiccan Rap |
wiccatrm.txt | 9088 | Wicca, Wicce, Wiccan |
wiccca.txt | 9095 | The Law Was Made from Farrell McGovern (October 8, 1991) |
wiccheal.txt | 8363 | The Craft and the Healing Arts |
wiccraft.txt | 16000 | Wicca: Craft of the Wise by Merlana (1983) |
wicnway.txt | 2143 | The Wiccan Way (June 16, 1991) |
wicterms.txt | 11667 | Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Wicca by Rowan Moonstone and Durwydd MacTara (1992) |
wicway.txt | 2308 | The Wicca Way, by paul Seymour (June 16, 1991) |
will-you.sng | 1645 | Will you be of Wicca Tonight? |
win.txt | 5005 | Information on the Wiccan Information Network (March 18, 1992) |
wine.txt | 1096 | A Wine Blessing (January 14, 1990) |
winecke1.txt | 1682 | Wine and Cakes Information for Witches |
witch-or.txt | 15058 | Witchcraft or The Great Witchcraft Delusion |
witch.occ | 1907 | An Extract from FATE Magazine regarding Witchcraft |
witches.txt | 2746 | The Witches of Salem Present The Do's and Don'ts of Witches |
witchltr.txt | 8891 | A Letter to Witches by Dr. Robert A. Morey |
witcreed.txt | 2429 | The Witches' Creed |
wlpa2.txt | 3907 | Child Abuse, Satanism and Witchcraft Wrongly Linked (January, 1987) |
writprp.txt | 12272 | Preparing the Ritual Area and Yourself by Nevrom Ydal |
xian1.txt | 8668 | Questions and Answers on Wicca: A Christian Perspective of Witchcraft, by Keith A. Morse |
yogamoon.rit | 8724 | An Eclectic Full-Moon Rite based on the Yoga Traditions of India by Matrika |
you.txt | 3074 | You, by the Whye Bard (July 28, 1993) |
yule.txt | 3187 | Yule, a Ritual (January 2, 1989) |
yulerit.txt | 10880 | A Yule Ritual for a Small Gathering by Galen Starwalker |
yulesbt.txt | 9064 | Midwinter Night's Eve: Yule, by Mike Nichols |
yulstory.txt | 5364 | The Yule Story, by Lady Galadriel |
There are 417 files for a total of 6,113,595 bytes. |