read new nonstop follow 88949 31-JUL 02:14 New Uploads RE: AR2 (Re: Msg 88843) From: AJMLFCO To: DWHILL Damon, I agree with you on Lha. I have it on the OSk machine, the CoCo, and on the file-server at work. It wopks well on every system! (wopks-gad!) --> "works". Allen Morgan -*- 88950 31-JUL 04:33 New Uploads RE: AR2 (Re: Msg 88949) From: DWHILL To: AJMLFCO (NR) Allen> I guess what annoyed me so much with Ar 2.0 is that it retained all the features I >don't< like about it. Good thing lha came along when it did or I would have been REALLY upset. --Damon -*- End of Thread. -*- 88951 31-JUL 04:35 General Information RE: OS-9 Live! (Re: Msg 88941) From: JOELHEGBERG To: HAWKSOFT Chris, > Why are the OS9 Live! always while I'm out of town???? I'll be in Oregon > (City) that weekend, camping! No Tymnet access on any of the trees out > there! Fantastic! (About you taking a camping vacation, that is!! ) I told you I just got back from camping in Michigan and had a great time. My family has done camping down in Oregon (city) as well, and love it there. There's that camp ground with the trail that leads to that huge pine-tree garden, where all those trees stretch for quite a while in neat rows, with a floor of pine needles, still in the woods. I love that place. Anyways, we'll miss you, but I don't think you'll miss us too much... you'll be having too much fun. :) =========================================================================== = Joel Mathew Hegberg M.O.T.D. Editor = = ( 68'micros Columnist = = ( Sub-Etha Software Programmer = =========================================================================== -*- 88960 31-JUL 13:03 General Information RE: OS-9 Live! (Re: Msg 88838) From: LUCKYONE To: BOISY Hi Boisy, > Anyone have any ideas for the next OS-9 Live! and when it might be held? > I would like someone to help in moderating as well. > One topic that I would find useful is "shell scripts". Howard Howard Luckey delphi LUCKYONE CIS 74746,3207 ********** By InfoXpress 1.01 ********** -*- 88978 31-JUL 23:03 General Information RE: OS-9 Live! (Re: Msg 88960) From: CPERRAULT To: LUCKYONE (NR) I second that emotion on shell programming. Hopefully we can make an exception on the OSK only preference, so we can dedicate a conference to SHell+ :-) >Chris< -*- End of Thread. -*- 88952 31-JUL 04:35 General Information RE: New Conference(Ideas Welcome) (Re: Msg 88914) From: JOELHEGBERG To: CPERRAULT Chris (and all), > 1. An OS-9 Programmers gathering: This has potential. What I want > to do is get a conference which will in a sense, be a CLUB where > programmers can get together and work on a program which could then > possibly be released as shareware, or an even better idea, IMO is > donating the finished product to the OS-9 User's Group Library. That's a decent idea, provided we can get enough programmers to focus on one idea at a time. I would be willing to participate, time permitting. > 3. Programming Help Conference: This is different from the above I think this area is quite well covered already, with this forum and by simply logging on, doing a /who, and /sending a plea for help to someone. I've never had any trouble getting help through either method. > 5. OS-9 Users Group Conference: I have my doubts as to whether we > need an OS-9 UG dedicated conference biweekly, but I do think the UG > needs to be consistently addressed, as far as updates, I strongly agree with this, and would like to see the OS-9 UG hold regular town meetings here to stay in touch with everyone, and keep everyone up-to-date. =========================================================================== = Joel Mathew Hegberg M.O.T.D. Editor = = ( 68'micros Columnist = = ( Sub-Etha Software Programmer = =========================================================================== -*- 88981 31-JUL 23:05 General Information RE: New Conference(Ideas Welcome) (Re: Msg 88952) From: CPERRAULT To: JOELHEGBERG >>That's a decent idea, provided we can get enough programmers to focus on one idea at a time. I would be willing to participate, tieme permitting.<< Thanks for the feedback. If I can get enough programmers interested, I'll be happy to host it. Whether or not I actually get involved in writing the software depends, since I am limited to Basic, and have very little C understanding, but will be glad to follow along either way an offer suggestions at least. >> I think this area is quite well covered already, with this forum and by simply logging on, doing a //who and //sending a plea for help to someone. I've never had any trouble getting help through either method.<< I know that is a pretty popular method with a few people here, so you have a point. One of the things I was thinking was, a lot of people including myself are a bit shy about just sending to anyone, afraid of maybe bugging them. It's not much of a problem with the people here, but nonetheless I know I prefer not to do that myself, in case people have better things to do at the time, yet don't want to be rude. Maybe this conference could be incorporated with one of the others, or perhaps a better idea would be for a person to just post a message in forum about a problem he's having also stating what time he will be in conference if anyone can stop by and help. >> I strongly agree with this, and would like to see the OS-9 UG hold regular town meetings here to stay in touch with everyone, and keep everyone up-to-date.<< This shouldn't be too hard to accomplish, since most of the officers are online anyhow. I imagine 1 or 2 at least will be able to find time to stop by for an hour or two and discuss any current events, ideas and proposals with the community. There are a couple questions to this tho: 1) Would stressing a lot of online activity be a snub to the offline community? 2) I wonder myself about the possibility of making Delphi the official online home of the UG. Would this be a snub to the other services? My personal answer for question #1...No. A couple years it probably wasn't such a good idea, but now with the whole world going online, at less and less a cost, onliners are not in the minority anymore. Delphi and other services provide a major role in User group activities that would not be possible or reasonable through any other means(The online town meeting is such an example). My advice to someone offline(and the online activities should be reported and publisized frequently in the MOTD and other periodicals) that wants to get involved is just to do so through snail mail(when possible) and voice yourself to the MOTD. Of course I'm wasting my online breath, since if your offline, your not reading this right now. Question 2 is a tad more complicated I think. My personal feeling has been that we should have an OFFICIAL online center for UG related matters, but I felt that it should be outside of Delphi and the other subscription services, in order to make it as accessable to as many people as possible. One of the things I thought of would be to have the OCN on Fido operate as the online representation for the UG. My personal opinion has since changed when I started thinking of the other side of the coin. One, Online subscription services have drastically come down in prices over the last couple of years, and will probably continue to do so for a while, which now makes it much more accessable for most people. This is also one of the reasons Delphi would be the main candidate for such an online home IMO. Also online services also provide a faster means of getting your word across, such as the forum which is usually a little faster than fido when it comes to messaging. It offers one Database area making downloading much easier than having to have files 'freqed(and again faster).Possibly the biggest advantage will be the conference where we will be able to have these gatherings that will most likely play a big part in the reshaping of the Users Group. Live conferences are a great medium for the UG BOD as well as vendors and the people who buy or are interesting in buying from them( WOW, I really took no prisoners with this message! I hate when I do this). So while the OCN could be a big help(and probably still can nonetheless), I think the pros far outweigh the cons of having an online service, and IMO, more specificly Delphi, as an online 'Convention Center' of sorts for the UG. We can spur so many ideas and followup activities if we use these resources to our advanage. So, yes, I am still interested in hosting such a conference! See Ya >Chris< -*- 88992 1-AUG 20:26 General Information RE: New Conference(Ideas Welcome) (Re: Msg 88981) From: EDELMAR To: CPERRAULT Chris, >>> I strongly agree with this, and would like to see the OS-9 UG >>> hold regular town meetings here to stay in touch with everyone, and >>> keep everyone up-to-date. > This shouldn't be too hard to accomplish, since most of the > officers are online anyhow. I imagine 1 or 2 at least will be able to > find time to stop by for an hour or two and discuss any current > events, ideas and proposals with the community. .... So long as meetings are informal, I see no problem with people meeting in conference (or in the forum) to discuss the OS-9 UG or matters they feel might/should be the province of the UG. Such meetings/discussions could be very beneficial. Certainly, the officers and/or directors could participate as well. > .... There are a couple questions to this tho: > 1) Would stressing a lot of online activity be a snub to the > offline community? .... This would be no different than personal meetings, phone calls and letters. Such 'meetings' could also be held on CIS, GENIE, AOL, FIDO, at your home, at the local school, etc. Does the fact that members call me and/or the other officers and directors mean others are being snubbed? > .... 2) I wonder myself about the possibility of making Delphi the > official online home of the UG. Would this be a snub to the other > services? The need for an 'official online home' for the UG has been discussed at several BOD meetings. Nothing concrete has resulted from these discussions. Keep up the interest and good ideas. Ed Gresick Director-at-Large OS-9 UG -*- 89006 2-AUG 00:27 General Information RE: New Conference(Ideas Welcome) (Re: Msg 88981) From: JOELHEGBERG To: CPERRAULT (NR) Chris, > >> I strongly agree with this, and would like to see the OS-9 UG > hold regular town meetings here to stay in touch with everyone, and > keep everyone up-to-date.<< > > This shouldn't be too hard to accomplish, since most of the > officers are online anyhow. I imagine 1 or 2 at least will be able to > find time to stop by for an hour or two and discuss any current > events, ideas and proposals with the community. Exactly, and since I'm an officer, I'm pursuing that possibility with my fellow officers. I suspect we'll have some on-line meetings lined up in the near future. I wouldn't expect them to be more frequent than monthly. > 1) Would stressing a lot of online activity be a snub to the > offline community? A lot, maybe... an informal monthly meeting (get-together), I don't believe so. > 2) I wonder myself about the possibility of making Delphi the > official online home of the UG. Would this be a snub to the other > services? Possibly, and I'm pretty sure the OS9UG does not want to limit itself to one official online home. Still, it would be nice for the UG to be more visible on Delphi. =========================================================================== = Joel Mathew Hegberg M.O.T.D. Editor = = ( 68'micros Columnist = = ( Sub-Etha Software Programmer = =========================================================================== -*- End of Thread. -*- 88953 31-JUL 06:28 Telecom (6809) RE: Sacia help (Re: Msg 88945) From: TOMFANN To: MITHELEN Thank you very much for enlightening me. After reading some of Dick White's articles on making a new boot in old issues of The Rainbow, I had a hunch that's what those were, but I had already posted my message for help. Now I'll get to it! Thanks again. ..Tom Fann -*- 88954 31-JUL 10:46 General Information new cust. forum From: VERONICA65 To: ALL the SCIENCE LAB is now open!!!! o reach it at any menu type go cust 275.leave a forum message pleese -*- 88955 31-JUL 10:46 General Information xt softwere From: VERONICA65 To: ALL looking to buy xt modem softwere will pay a fair price -*- 88956 31-JUL 11:16 General Information RE: (Re: Msg 88942) From: SROTTINGER To: ROBERT84 All the source code for GNG is provided. The only problem is that its quite big. The executable under OSK is over 100K. Its not impossible to get it running on the CoCo; although, it will require some work. It will probably need to be broken down into small independently loadable modules. Steve Rottinger -*- 88957 31-JUL 12:42 OSK Applications RE: ispell and screen (Re: Msg 88946) From: SCWEGERT To: KSCALES > Just tried it here using 'screen' on a standard 80x26 MM/1 'vsc' type 0 > window, and it worked OK. Guess we'll need to narrow things down a > little bit. My version of screen says that it's edition 7, CRC $F76802. > I don't remember if this is the original one from the database here, or if > is one of Bob van der Poel's updates. Hmmm... the date on it is 92/03/30, > so it must be the original. The version I'm using is edition 7 CRC $2AF2C3 .... which is the one Bob uploaded to the OS9 Forum on CompuServe. I'm running screen on a Wy50 terminal with the ANSI emulation board installed. This is on an MM/1. Here are my relevant environment entries: STY=t1 TERM=screen TERMCAP=SC|screen|VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal|\ :DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:bs:bt=\E[Z:\ :cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[2J\E[H:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:ct=\E[3g:\ :do=\E[B:nd=\E[C:pt:rc=\E8:rs=\Ec:sc=\E7:st=\EH:up=\E[A:\ :ho=^^:le=^h:\ :li#24:co#80:us=\E[4m:ue=\E[24m:so=\E[3m:se=\E[23m:\ :mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:mr=\E[7m:me=\E[0m:sr=\EM:al=\E[L:\ :AL=\E[%dL:dl=\E[M:DL=\E[%dM:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:ks=\E=:\ :ke=\E>:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:kb=^H:kd=\EOB:\ :kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ku=\EOA: WINDOW=1 PORT=/tty/scr0.0 > Any other info you might be able to provide regarding your setup will > help. I first thought it might be a problem with my tmode settings, but playing with the lf parameter and setting it to nolf, I get the expected results of _everything_ overwriting itself, not just the help file. Also did this with pause/nopause just to convince myself screen was using these parameters correctly. Next, I saved a copy of the termcap created for screen and added it to my termcap file. I exited screen and set my TERM environment variable to screen and fired up Ispell. Worked just fine. > Yes, you are the second person to comment on this. When I ported > 'ispell', I tried to make it a bit clearer to the user what would happen > to the changes entered during the session. I guess that I didn't > completely succeed. > Ahhh ... a feature .... not a bug! :-) Ok ... I understand. Not being able to see the help screen, I was thrown off by the different approach. Not a problem. Since this involves the version Bob worked on, is he active here? Or should I cross post this thread "over there"? Thanks for the help! *- Steve -* -*- 88958 31-JUL 12:42 OSK Applications RE: ispell and screen (Re: Msg 88946) From: SCWEGERT To: KSCALES One more thing, Ken. (I didn't want to test this while I was composing my last message in case things headed off to Mars) I fired up Ispell on a normal MM/1 window, and tested the "?", worked just fine. Cranked up screen on the same window, then executed Ispell and I have the same problem with the help file. Curious. *- Steve -* -*- 88986 1-AUG 02:08 OSK Applications RE: ispell and screen (Re: Msg 88957) From: KSCALES To: SCWEGERT > The version I'm using is edition 7 CRC $2AF2C3 .... which is the one Bob > uploaded to the OS9 Forum on CompuServe. Jim Pottage dropped by on Sunday, and happened to come with a version of 'screen' he had obtained from Bob... again, Edition 7, but CRC $C63E9A. This exhibited the same symptoms that you describe. I dug out another one I received from Bob last fall. Edition 7, with CRC $6ABBC0. Same problem that you reported. > I'm running screen on a Wy50 terminal with the ANSI emulation board > installed. This is on an MM/1. Here are my relevant environment entries: <<<< deleted >>>> Thanks for the info. I will spend a bit of time reviewing it. BTW, does the help panel appear OK on the Wyse when you are not running 'screen'? Do you have similar problems with any other programs running under 'screen', or is 'ispell' the only one? > Since this involves the version Bob worked on, is he active here? Or > should I cross post this thread "over there"? No, Bob doesn't frequent these parts, so it may be best to cross-post on CIS. Since I grab the messages there every week or two, I will also see the discussions (though not as timely as here). Regards... / Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES CIS:74646,2237 ** Composed with KVed/Ved and uploaded with InfoXpress ** -*- 88987 1-AUG 09:15 OSK Applications RE: ispell and screen (Re: Msg 88986) From: SCWEGERT To: KSCALES > Thanks for the info. I will spend a bit of time reviewing it. BTW, > does the help panel appear OK on the Wyse when you are not running > 'screen'? Ispell works fine with screen out of the picture. It even works fine _using_ the screen termcap! It only has the difficulty running _under_ screen. > Do you have similar problems with any other programs running under > 'screen', or is 'ispell' the only one? I suspect there's another program I have that had problems, but can't for the life of me recall which one. I was running screen when Bob came out with his version, then for some reason stopped until just recently when I started using it again. The only reason I can figure for this is I came across something that didn't run properly that I used all the time. Big help I'll continue to dig and see if I can find the problem child. *- Steve -* -*- End of Thread. -*- 88959 31-JUL 13:03 General Information RE: 68 'micros (Re: Msg 88825) From: LUCKYONE To: DSRTFOX Frank, I extend my warmest sympathies and wish you well for the future. Howard Howard Luckey delphi LUCKYONE CIS 74746,3207 ********** By InfoXpress 1.01 ********** -*- 88974 31-JUL 22:17 General Information RE: 68 'micros (Re: Msg 88959) From: DSRTFOX To: LUCKYONE (NR) Thanks Howard! -*- End of Thread. -*- 88961 31-JUL 15:07 General Information RE: Press Release (Re: Msg 88860) From: 01GEN40 To: JOELHEGBERG >Yes, it was originally written under RS-DOS as a BASIC/ML hybrid, and >then completely rewritten for OS-9 Level II with som nice innovative Hi Joel, I see by your tagline that you are a programmer for Sub-Etha. I would be most interested in getting Checkbook+, could you enlighten me on how to go about doing this? Thank you in advance and thank you for the quick reply. I used to use a painstakingly slow program called Cash Budget Management, which is done in basic. I do not like doing any- thing in basic! I do all under OS-9! Once again, thank you. See ya. LONG LIVE OS-9! ** In whatever form it is in! -= 01GEN40 =- -*- 89007 2-AUG 00:28 General Information RE: Press Release (Re: Msg 88961) From: JOELHEGBERG To: 01GEN40 (NR) > I see by your tagline that you are a programmer for Sub-Etha. I > would be most interested in getting Checkbook+, could you enlighten me > on how to go about doing this? Thank you in advance and thank you > for the quick reply. CheckBook+ for OS-9/6809 is available for $14.95 + $2.50 s/h through Sub-Etha's main HQ down in Texas (as opposed to our OSK division). For e-mail questions on OS-9/6809 products, you can write to Allen Huffman at "". Orders and snail-mail questions can be sent to: Sub-Etha Software P.O. Box 152442 Lufkin, TX 75915 Voice-mail support at (815) 748-6638. Best wishes, Joel Mathew Hegberg =========================================================================== = Joel Mathew Hegberg M.O.T.D. Editor = = ( 68'micros Columnist = = ( Sub-Etha Software Programmer = =========================================================================== -*- End of Thread. -*- 88962 31-JUL 15:11 Applications (6809) undelete From: MICHAELJN To: ALL Is there such a file like undelete under Os9? It crossed my mind if someone mistakenly deletes a file if they can retrieve it back. -*- 88969 31-JUL 19:08 Applications (6809) RE: undelete (Re: Msg 88962) From: SAUSAGESAM To: MICHAELJN (NR) YEahp! There is. I am not sure if it's on here or not (probably is). It involves making a patch to your cc3disk or something like that (I dont know). then you can undelete things with a program (the program comes with the patch file I think).. let me know if you find something like it on here because I've lost mine! -*- 88977 31-JUL 22:59 Applications (6809) RE: undelete (Re: Msg 88969) From: CPERRAULT To: SAUSAGESAM No the path is to RBF. For undelete, search in the database for 'RGB3 0' which is a patch to RBF, which when applied brings it up two edition 3.0 . It allows for all the neat undeleting stuff, which I found usefull on more than one occasion. It should be in the utilities lib. >Chris< -*- 88985 1-AUG 00:53 Applications (6809) RE: undelete (Re: Msg 88977) From: SAUSAGESAM To: CPERRAULT thanks ! -*- 89003 1-AUG 22:54 Applications (6809) RE: undelete (Re: Msg 88985) From: WA2EGP To: SAUSAGESAM I have a utility called undel on my OSK machine that recovers programs. I don't remember if there is a CoCo version of it. Also don't know if a patch is required for a CoCo version but nothing needed like that on OSK. -*- End of Thread. -*- 88963 31-JUL 15:14 General Information OS-9 Live!! From: NIMITZ To: BOISY I would propose the use of AWK, LEX and YACC as future topics. David -*- 88964 31-JUL 15:37 General Information RE: Chico fest (Re: Msg 88824) From: 01GEN40 To: ALL Just my 2 cents worth... Does anyone know about PKWare? If it was not for SHAREWARE, I do not think they would be. I downloaded PK Zip sent in my shareware cost and received a very nice manual and the latest version. I support shareware. See ya. LONG LIVE OS-9! ** In whatever form it is in! -= 01GEN40 =- -*- 88965 31-JUL 15:49 General Information RE: OSK Software (Re: Msg 88874) From: 01GEN40 To: ALL Not to worry people who still use CoCos. Watch for my notice later on in this forum. I still support the Color Computer and OS-9 Level II. LONG LIVE OS-9! ** In whatever form it is in! -= 01GEN40 =- -*- End of Thread. -*- 88966 31-JUL 16:52 General Information DScan V4.0 - Scanner From: 01GEN40 To: ALL ***---***---*** ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ***---***---*** Please take notice, ALL DScan users. DScan Version 4.0 is soon to be released! This version of DScan has some new features added to it to make it much more enjoyable to use. DScans' major improvement is that it will now keep all the pertinent information, about the bad sector(s) it detects, in a datafile on disk so that there will be a permanent record of said sector(s). This is something that I have always wanted DScan to do, but needed to learn how to do it and do it efficiently. With all the improvements and work done to DScan I am very pleased to say that the speed at which DScan scans is not noticably affected in any way. This will be great for those people maintaining that speed is the "all important factor" in a utility. The next evolution of DScan is going to take some real hard learn- ing on my part. So, until my next version, please enjoy DScan V4.0! LONG LIVE OS-9! ** In whatever form it is in! -= 01GEN40 =- -*- 88967 31-JUL 17:03 System Modules (6809) Making a new boot disk from scratch From: STEWARD To: ALL I need some help. I've trashed all my floppy boot disk's awhile ago, and I am trying to start from scratch w/ the orginal level 2 disks. The problem I'm having is that I can use config to create a new disk w/ the double sided decriptors, but when I try to create a double sided disk to boot from, I keep getting the treaded BOOT FAILED. I have tried using os9gen and cobbler to no avail. Can anyone give some suggestions? Thanx. -*- 88968 31-JUL 19:00 System Modules (6809) RE: Making a new boot disk from scratch (Re: Msg 88967) From: DBREEDING To: STEWARD > I need some help. I've trashed all my floppy boot disk's awhile ago, Trashed *ALL* of 'em?? Wow! I have a stack of disks near half a knee deep > trying to start from scratch w/ the orginal level 2 disks. The problem > I'm having is that I can use config to create a new disk w/ the double > sided decriptors, but when I try to create a double sided disk to boot > from, I keep getting the treaded BOOT FAILED. Well, seriously.. Are you os9gen'ing to a clean disk? If you are putting the boot on a disk with stuff already on it, you may be getting a non-contiguous boot. Personally, I wouldn't use config. I create a bootfile to my liking and os9gen from it. Let me go through the procedure you'll have to do to get a double-sided disk. First you'll need to format a single-sided disk, and os9gen it with the double-sided descriptors on it. Then you can format a double- sided disk and os9gen it for your permanent boot disk. Oh, one more thing... on your new boot disk you are creating a cmds directory and putting AT LEAST shell and grfdrv on it, aren't you? -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 88976 31-JUL 22:41 System Modules (6809) RE: Making a new boot disk from scratch (Re: Msg 88968) From: DSRTFOX To: DBREEDING David, while you're on the boot subject, maybe you can help me! I've used dmode to change the step rate of my drives to 6ms, but even after I use cobbler the changes are gone at the next boot. How do I make the changes permanent? Also, would you know if dmode will support 3ms access time? One of my drives is arelatively new 3.5" 720K. -*- 88984 1-AUG 00:35 System Modules (6809) RE: Making a new boot disk from scratch (Re: Msg 88976) From: ISC To: DSRTFOX (NR) Frank, . I would have to look it up to tell you why, but, to change the descriptor, use modpatch, link to the disk drive descriptor (L d0) change byte 14 from 0 to 3 (c 14 00 03) verify it (v). Now using cobbler will make the speed change permanent (from 65 ms to 6 ms). Bill -*- 88993 1-AUG 21:04 System Modules (6809) RE: Making a new boot disk from scratch (Re: Msg 88968) From: STEWARD To: DBREEDING Yup, am using a brand new disk that I format after booting from the origanal level 2 disk. Then I create a new boot disk w/ the double sided descriptors. Then I format another disk, double sided this time, then either cobbler, or os9gen, then create a CMDS and copy shell and grfdrv to it. When I try to boot that one, it gives me the old BOOT FAILED. Although it shouldn't make a differance, but I do have a 6309 installed. Brian -*- 88998 1-AUG 22:24 System Modules (6809) RE: Making a new boot disk from scratch (Re: Msg 88976) From: DBREEDING To: DSRTFOX (NR) > David, while you're on the boot subject, maybe you can help me! I've used > dmode to change the step rate of my drives to 6ms, but even after I use > cobbler the changes are gone at the next boot. How do I make the changes > permanent? Also, would you know if dmode will support 3ms access time? > One of my drives is arelatively new 3.5" 720K. Someone(ISC???) has a reply stating how to make the changes. I didn't realize this myself, can't remember how I did it. Well, I have a 1.44 (thought I'd be getting a kit OSK machine, but wound up getting an assembled system ), and it works with 6ms. Also, you might try setting your interleave to 2. It seems to speed things up a little. (The interleave is "installed" when the disk is formatted). Oh, and of course when you make the changes, be sure to 'save' your new descriptor in your MODULES directory. (You could also use ded to change the module on disk, then 'verify u' it. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 88999 1-AUG 22:25 System Modules (6809) RE: Making a new boot disk from scratch (Re: Msg 88993) From: DBREEDING To: STEWARD (NR) Gosh, I don't know. Looks like it SHOULD work. One other thing, try juggling your mods around in os9boot. You could have the BLOB Are you using the same modules in the new boot except for the drive descriptors? Try putting the non-booting os9boot on a single-sided disk to see if it is, in fact, the double-sided disk causing the problem. One other wild chance... check the CRC of the 2-sided descriptor and see that it is ok. If not, it will not load on bootup. Also, could it be possible that the descriptor is not, in fact a 2-sided descriptor? > Although it shouldn't make a differance, > but I do have a 6309 installed. No, this shouldn't cause a problem, especially if you're not using 6309- patched mods, and then, it shouldn't be a prob.. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- End of Thread. -*- 88970 31-JUL 19:38 System Modules (6809) RE: Smartwatch / Ken-ton Clock (Re: Msg 88621) From: MODEL299 To: BILL32H (NR) Could you explain the problem better? We have some KEN-TON systems here that use the smartwatch chip with no problems. The only thing that might cause trouble that I have seen is when the smartwatch and disk rom are in different sockets. Assuming you have RGB-DOS in an EPROM, try plugging the smartwatch in the hard drive controller and then put the disk rom into that. If that works then what has been happening is that when the COCO tried to read the smartwatch both the smartwatch and disk rom may have both responded and what the COCO got back made no sense. If you are using a multi-pak then for a permanent fix you will ned to install both of these in the floppy controller in slot 4. If you have a 502 controller this is easy. If not then you will need to adapt the 28 pin setup to the 24 pin socket. Mark -*- 88971 31-JUL 20:17 General Information Computer Scienc From: ILLUSIONIST To: ALL I know alot of OS-9 users are Computer Science students, so, I figure I will post this here...I have 6 com. sci. related books that I would like to get rid of. (I just dont have the room for all my books) anyway they are: Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick Algorithms in C .... Algorithms in Modula-3 Fundamental Algorithms by Don Knuth Seminumerical Algorithms .... Searching and Sorting ..... New, they cost $50 each, I would like to get $20 for each of them... or $100 for the entire set..I am pricing them low, because I know what it is like to be in college and not have the cash for books. anyway, I would have posted this in the classified ad section, but I am not real die-hard on selling them, but if anyone is interested.. let me know....they arent that heavy (no more than a CM-8 , all together) so shipping should be to bad.. -* Mike -*- 88972 31-JUL 21:46 OSK Applications RE: MM/1 Sound cable (Re: Msg 88929) From: HAWKSOFT To: NIMITZ (NR) Hi David! I got my sound cables from a TV repair supply house. It is a standard part for connecting European audio equipment to US equipment. Manufactured (or packaged anway) by GC Electronics. If you don't see 'em at your local TV repair shop ask to see the GC Electonics catalog. Chris :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> Chris "HAWKSoft" <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: Delphi: HAWKSOFT Internet: HAWKSOFT@DELPHI.COM ******************< Uploaded w/ InfoXpress vr. 1.01.00 >****************** -*- 88973 31-JUL 21:46 OSK Applications many From: HAWKSOFT To: BOBROGERS (NR) Hi Dr. Bob! The SCSI CDRom driver and descriptor (as well as the subroutine pkg) were written by Carl Kreider ( You should be able to get info on them from him. Using his driver etc, I have written a Virtual CD Player (for K-Windows and G-Windows) that allows you to play audio CDs in a SCSI CDRom reader. It looks and functions like a component CD player. I have also written some utilities to read CD-I disks in the CDRom reader. (All the CD-I stuff is OSK) Chris :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> Chris "HAWKSoft" <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: Delphi: HAWKSOFT Internet: HAWKSOFT@DELPHI.COM ******************< Uploaded w/ InfoXpress vr. 1.01.00 >****************** -*- 88989 1-AUG 18:25 OSK Applications RE: many (Re: Msg 88973) From: SROTTINGER To: HAWKSOFT The CD-ROM drivers, do they also include a File manager to handle ISO-9660 disks? I have thought about working on such a file manager myself; however, I don't want to duplicate what has already been done. I'd love to be able to take some off the shelf CDs, and use them with my BBS. -Steve Rottinger -*- End of Thread. -*- 88975 31-JUL 22:26 Games & Graphics RE: Shanghai and Multivue (Re: Msg 88936) From: DSRTFOX To: ISC Just for grins, try moving Shanghai to another directory NOT "under" the CMDS directory. -*- 88983 31-JUL 23:56 Games & Graphics RE: Shanghai and Multivue (Re: Msg 88975) From: ISC To: DSRTFOX (NR) Thanks, Frank, but, I did that too. The logo screen vef screen is painted and then I get a 201 error.?! Still no problem on a graphics screen without M-Vue. I am running a 6309 and my usual boot diskette is PowerBoosted, but the M-Vue disk is not. Could this be a reason? I have also patched the Windint module in M-Vue with the MV2 patches from the sig, but M-Vue still runs other graphics ok. I think I need to ask Earther what paths Shanghai looks for. Thanks for the reply again, Frank. Bill -*- End of Thread. -*- 88979 31-JUL 23:03 Applications (6809) RE: Infoexpress Trouble (Re: Msg 88938) From: CPERRAULT To: DBREEDING >>Try taking tha "AT&F" out of the init string, as this would...<< Actually, that is how I originally had it, with only the ATX4 string. >>Could be that it is having trouble accessing one of the directories.<< No the directories are all set, plus IX would report it if it couldn't find the directory, and not with a 'Modem Error'. >>I hate to see you have to give up on IX,...<< I hate having to do so myself. And I agree it is probably some stupid little problem, but unfortunately I've lost as much hair with it as I'm willing to lose. The sad part is, when it works, it would probably be the most usefull part of my system after Ved+Vprint. I don't want to discourage anyone else who is reading from getting it tho. This is an isolated incident, and as you can tell from a lot of taglines here, there are plenty of Coco'ers who are using it effectively, so if you are interested in it, go for it. I won't hesitate to send away for the OSK version when I go that route. I sent it back to Mark on Friday, since I wanted to clear this up before he's gone from the community. >Chris< -*- 88997 1-AUG 22:23 Applications (6809) RE: Infoexpress Trouble (Re: Msg 88979) From: DBREEDING To: CPERRAULT > >>I hate to see you have to give up on IX,...<< > > I hate having to do so myself. > effectively, so if you are interested in it, go for it. I really love it. As I said, there are a couple things that DO cause crashes, but Bill told me he was aware of them and were fixed in ver 2. In my case, I have to log on long distance, and IX really helps out. I can do a d/l of a normal week's messagees in what ?? 10-12 minutes? (2400 baud) Maybe less, I usually log on 1-2 times during the week and 2 or more times during the weekend, so it helps. > I won't > hesitate to send away for the OSK version when I go that route. I sent I finally got my order in last week. The OSK version has several features that seem really important to me. I'm not going the upgrade route.. I ordered the OSK version by itself, keeping the coco version. Will probably use OSK almost exclusively, though. > it back to Mark on Friday, since I wanted to clear this up before he's > gone from the community. Yes, I was really disappointed to hear this. I didn't get to see his message, as I don't subscribe to the CoCoList. I would have loved to see what he had to say. Wonder if he'll keep selling IX or if someone else will take over? Well, as I said, hate to see you had to give up on IX. It really bugs me to see little things like that get the best of us . -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- End of Thread. -*- 88980 31-JUL 23:04 Programmers Den RE: New programming trouble (Re: Msg 88939) From: CPERRAULT To: DBREEDING Thanks David. I took your advice but still no luck. I have a good feeling that the reason it isn't reading 'filelist' has something to do maybe with the way I passed it on the command line. >>Could it be that you have a line # here and an IF ERR GOTO statement?<< I have an IF ERR GOTO statement, but it goes to line 10 which is the last section of the entire program, far away from the 'IF Option1...' statements which come towards the beginning. Here's a few things I noticed. If I type the command line 'Run Begmain("-f") the program procedes until it get's to the 'open #diskpath,option2:read' line where it errors out because I didn't include option2. Now, if I put Option2(fileist) on the the command line, it just stays at the last if statement. For some reason, once it realizes there is a second parameter there it get's confused and hangs. Maybe it thinks that 'filelist' and '-f' are all part of option1 and there that is why it sometimes reports as 'false' in debug when I turn the tracer on? If I'm not mistaken, doesn't a space act as a divider between two parameters on the command line? This is why I don't anymore for the basic09 Manual and tour guide. They don't dive deep enough into the language. It only covers the surface and not the stuff that always ends up on biting me. Btw, I also tried on the command line 'run begmain("-f >Chris< -*- 89001 1-AUG 22:26 Programmers Den RE: New programming trouble (Re: Msg 88980) From: DBREEDING To: CPERRAULT > I just typed 'Run begmain("-f","filelist"), and it did return the Dawgonnit, I saw that in the last post and failed to mention it, was aiming to say something here but saw you caught it. Mmmmmmm, if you have Shell+, don't think you will even need the quotes at all, or the comma. > files, but I messed up something else in the program that is giving me > an eternal loop. I'll update you later..... If I understand what you are wanting to do, I believe you will need to follow the outline I sent you, but not for sure. > actually right for a change! Yeah, it's usually something so simple we overlook it, looking for something more complicated . -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- End of Thread. -*- 88982 31-JUL 23:49 Programmers Den RE: shareware stuffs (Re: Msg 88947) From: WDTV5 To: WA2EGP Millimeters? I was under the impression it was microns! Guess I better study up on the thing again. And BTW, the field propagates not near C speed, but at C speed IN the current medium doing the carrying. The one place where we see slowdowns is in filters, near the edge of the passband, it goes slower. Theres a reasonable explanation for that, and we call it "group delay" here in the tv business, but I'm not sure I can put the reason into english without brushing up on it myself! Those slowdowns aren't little either, up near the cutoff frequency of a tv transmitter system (for NTSC) the video is delayed over 200 ns! If we didn't have compensator junk built into our transmitters, your color would be slid to the right about 1/4" on the average 23" tube, as compared to the black and white edge detail signal that it goes with. Ever see a red ear sticking out into space beyond the right side of a head? Thats the effect, that red smear. But we do it once in the transmitter (fix it) so umpty jillions of tvs don't have to have a $50 filter in each of those. If it gets messed up again, its normally either in a bad cable system, or bad in-house cable that screws it up again. Stay tuned, more tv lessons to come! Cheers, Gene -*- 89002 1-AUG 22:42 Programmers Den RE: shareware stuffs (Re: Msg 88982) From: WA2EGP To: WDTV5 (NR) Nothing like being loose with my terms. I did mean "within" the medium. Still, the particles don't travel as fast as the "effect" (grin). I love the results of testing the Hall effect that in most metals, positive "holes" carry the current. Then there are ones like zinc where it appears to be electrons. AS far as filters, they should put in $1 filters so the darn things don't pick up my ham radio signals. I can run a kilowatt and watch TV over here with no problem....not some of the neighbors. BTW, another strange one is that voltage drops will add to equal the voltage applied to the circuit, but that is not true for EMFs. That is why teaching AP Physics is so much fun (grin). -*- 89005 1-AUG 23:38 Programmers Den RE: shareware stuffs (Re: Msg 88982) From: JOHNREED To: WDTV5 (NR) > the video is delayed over 200 ns! If we didn't have compensator junk > built into our transmitters, your color would be slid to the right about > 1/4" on the average 23" tube, as compared to the black and white edge > detail signal that it goes with. Ever see a red ear sticking out into > space beyond the right side of a head? Thats the effect, that red smear. > But we do it once in the transmitter (fix it) so umpty jillions of tvs > don't have to have a $50 filter in each of those. If it gets messed up Hey Gene, TV sets (at least the ones I used to fix) DO have a "delay line" right after the video detector -- usually an air-core inductor -- its purpose is just what you described, that is, slow down the B/W image to let the color catch up. ******************************** A stitch in time -------------------- ------ is worth two in the bush John R. Wainwright <> <> -*- End of Thread. -*- 88988 1-AUG 17:45 General Information help From: SAUSAGESAM To: ALL Help me !!! I am calling from a UNIX account now and I can't download anything right. it always gets screwed up. does anybody know how to correct the prob? -*- 88990 1-AUG 18:33 General Information RE: help (Re: Msg 88988) From: SROTTINGER To: SAUSAGESAM How are you logging onto Delphi through the Internet? Are you using Telnet, or rlogin? Both telnet and rlogin default to 7 bit transfers (the 8th bit is stripped) Binary transfers woun't work this way. I know that rlogin has a mode where it allows for 8 bit transfers, settable by using a command line switch; however, I'm not sure if Delphi supports rlogin. Also, you must make sure that your connection between the UNIX machine, and your computer is also 8 bits. -Steve Rottinger -*- 88991 1-AUG 18:34 General Information RE: help (Re: Msg 88988) From: ILLUSIONIST To: SAUSAGESAM If you mean that you are connecting to delphi, from TELNET (internet) then, as far as I know, there is nothing you can do to fix it, it would require, most likely re-configure the network ports, and no one will do that... you COULD try fiddling with your communications settings, maybe you will get lucky, maybe it isnt the systems.. -* Mike -*- 88996 1-AUG 22:00 General Information RE: help (Re: Msg 88990) From: SAUSAGESAM To: SROTTINGER (NR) I'm using Telnet.. Sometimes I get lucky and get a few blocks sent, but sometimes I'm not. so how do I use Rlogin? is it on the unix thing? -*- End of Thread. -*- 88994 1-AUG 21:29 General Information RE: OS-9 Patches for the Coco III (Re: Msg 88729) From: MIKE_GUZZI To: JOELHEGBERG I agree with your message. Delphi has been a wonderful source of information for OS9 users afar. It isn't the easiest system to understand but once you do there is SOOO much you can do. I have debated switching to another system but i just don't see one out there that can do the smooth multitasking os9 does. Even the newest IBM machines just don't do it right. Ive seen 486 systems bogged down running three programs. But the CoCo still does what I need to do and to me thats enough Mike -*- 88995 1-AUG 21:32 General Information RE: OS-9 Patches for the Coco III (Re: Msg 88739) From: MIKE_GUZZI To: COCOKIWI (NR) On my second coco3 ive done the hardware fix with the rom problem and still to this day if i use windint in my bootfile I cannot format floppy disks nor use the pcdos/rsdos utils on it! I have to re:-boot with the grfint module but this machine is one of the original 1986 coco3's I have replaced the GIME and the CPU (6309) but this machine has been through alot! Mike -*- 89000 1-AUG 22:26 General Information RE: OS-9 Patches for the Coco III (Re: Msg 88995) From: WDTV5 To: MIKE_GUZZI (NR) Hi Mike, I've just got to butt in here. That sounds exactly like a classic case of the BLOB. I'd try stretching something very early in the bootfile, preferably the next module after you run out of os9p's. For me thats Init. Or you could plug in one of those pad modules Eddie came up with. I have windint AND vdgint in this bootfile with no problems of that nature, but I've also spent some time fiddling with boot disks to get it that way. At the moment, with the wp screen, multiview and supercomm all running, smap says I still have 23 pages, 5k or system ram left. s/b of, not or. I can't format a floppy of course since that needs 8k of system, but getting out of supercomm returns enough to allow it. Have fun! Cheers, Gene Heskett -*- 89004 1-AUG 23:33 General Information RE: OS-9 Patches for the Coco III (Re: Msg 88995) From: KSCALES To: MIKE_GUZZI (NR) > On my second coco3 ive done the hardware fix with the rom problem and > still to this day if i use windint in my bootfile I cannot format floppy > disks nor use the pcdos/rsdos utils on it! I have to re:-boot with the > grfint module but this machine is one of the original 1986 coco3's I have > replaced the GIME and the CPU (6309) but this machine has been through > alot! Mike - Sounds like your bootfile with windint is too big, and doesn't allow enough contiguous available space in your system map for Format to run. You must have about 7K contiguous free space in the system map to format disks. Grab the 'smap' utility from the database here to check. Regards... / Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES CIS:74646,2237 -- Composed with KVed/Ved and uploaded with InfoXpress -- -*- End of Thread. -*- FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit>