jefferson-addresses-253.txt 126929
Addresses, Messages and Replies by Thomas Jefferson
jefferson-autobiography-73.txt 239216
Autobiography, by Thomas Jefferson
jefferson-first-139.txt 10330
Jefferson's First Inaugural Address (March 4, 1801)
jefferson-indian-138.txt 31553
Indian Addresses, by Jefferson
jefferson-letters-256.txt 1782893
Letters by Thomas Jefferson
jefferson-miscellany-257.txt 290513
Miscellany by Thomas Jefferson
jefferson-notes-258.txt 404709
Notes On the State of Virginia, by Thomas Jefferson
jefferson-public-259.txt 348375
Public Papers, by Thomas Jefferson
jefferson-summary-260.txt 41175
A Summary View of the Rights of British America, by Thomas Jefferson
tj_abio.txt 243114
Autobiography, by Thomas Jefferson
tj_addr.txt 129101
Addresses, Messages, and Replies, by Thomas Jefferson
tj_inaug.txt 10497
Jefferson's First Inaugural Address
tj_indn.txt 32089
Indian Addresses by Thomas Jefferson
tj_lettr.txt 1813017
Letters by Thomas Jefferson
tj_misc.txt 295627
Miscellany by Thomas Jefferson
tj_pubp.txt 354642
Public Papers by Thomas Jefferson
tj_virgn.txt 412141
Notes on the State of Virginia by Thomas Jefferson

There are 17 files for a total of 6,565,921 bytes.