+------------------------------------------------------+ | | | KILLER CRACKER: Portable Un*x Password Cracker | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | Version 8.00 LTD, Dated 7/28/91 | | | | Written By Doctor Dissector | | Copyright (c) 1991, By Doctor Dissector | | | +------------------------------------------------------+ *** LIMITED EDITION !!!!! DO NOT DISTRIBUTE !!!!! LIMITED EDITION *** License ------- This program is NOT free software BUT may be used without charge or payment in any form IF your copy is a "registered" distributed version. You may modify it as much as you please, however, you MAY NOT re-distribute it, in any shape or for: ie. modified OR unmodified, without the expressed written consent (ie. e-mail) of Doctor Dissector. (bbs.doctord@doomsday.spies.com) This program was initially distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Disclaimer ---------- This program was written and released just to prove that Un*x accounts can be effectively cracked utilizing modified DES password encryption (crypt) routines and proper programming skills. I, Doctor Dissector, the author of Killer Cracker, do not endorse any type of illegal appropriation of computer accounts using programs such as this; my goal is only to prove that the Un*x operating system's greatest weakness in security lies in the /etc/passwd file. Doctor Dissector will not be held responsible for the actions of anyone who may misuse this program since he cannot control the actions of the people who might become exposed to this program's use for illegal means. Quick Instructions ------------------ To compile under any operating system using "make", edit the file "Makefile" included with this package to your needs and type "make". File Listing & Description -------------------------- WHATSNEW.800 -- Info on new modifications/additions to this version KC.DOC -- This document file KC.EXE -- MS/PC-DOS executable KC.H -- Killer Cracker source code header file KC.C -- Killer Cracker source code MAKEFILE. -- Makefile for KC, edit this and use "make" to compile! B_ORDER.C -- Determines if your machine is Network Byte Order BCRYPT.H -- Bcrypt encryption source code header file BCRYPT.C -- Bcrypt encryption source code XFDES.H -- XFDES encryption source code header file XFDES.C -- XFDES encryption source code GOODWORD.W -- Collection of words from various sources GIRLWORD.W -- Collection of female first names Description ----------- Killer Cracker (KC) is a program which effectively, and quickly, encrypts a sequence of guesses (words) utilizing a modified form of the DES Un*x password encryption alogrithm. These encrypted guesses are then compared to the fields in any typical /etc/passwd file; any matches are recorded for future reference. Guesses to KC are read from several sources. The primary source of guesses to encrypt come from a textfile (ASCII) of words separated by CR/LF pairs or LFs (depending on operating system). Other guesses are taken from each individual account in any /etc/passwd file; the login name and two respective GECOS field entries. In addition, single characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and "funny" characters (^A-^Z, ESC, SPACE) can be tested as guesses as well. KC also has the ability to make several combinations for several guesses from one guess (i.e. test the guess in normal case, uppercase, lowercase, and backwards) and the option to pre-pend or append any number of characters to the beginning or end of any guessed word. KC was also written in C source, which has been released and included in KC's release package. The source was developed to be highly portable with most other C compilers, especially the Un*x C compilers. Execution --------- Killer Cracker can be invoked using various methods from the command line (shell prompt). Normally, KC will be called directly from the command line; thus, usage from the command line will be discussed first. In order to obtain a brief summary of KC's options from the command line, KC can be invoked with the '-?' or '/?' flag. Incedentally, all flags to KC must be either preceded by a '-' or a '/' character. The following info will discuss KC's command line flags and offer detailed descriptions for each. Under some Un*x shells, you may have to type the -? in double quotes ("-?") in order to get the appropriate response. Usage: kc -?bcfghlostu -<1|2>[:] -[:] -z[:] kc -r[:] Parms: -1 prefix chars -p /etc/passwd file -r restore file -2 suffix chars -w guess word file -v valid account file Flags: -? explain usage -b test backwards -c test up/low cases -f test funny chars -g test GECOS fields -h hog resources -l test login names -o suppress output -s single char test -t test crypt result -u user based crack -z timeout (minutes) Brief Summary Of Flags ---------------------- -? KC will print a brief summary of the available command line flags as shown above. Description Of Flags -------------------- -p[:] Filename/path+filename of the /etc/passwd file to be cracked. The ':' character is optional (can be used to clarify the command line). If no filename is specified, KC will prompt you for one. -w[:] Filename/path+filename of the wordfile where all password guesses are stored. Format of the words inside this wordfile must be one word per line, no blank lines are allowed. The ':' character is optional (can be used to clarify the command line). If no filename is specified, KC will prompt you for one. -v[:] Filename/path+filename of the output file, where all valid account/password combinations will be saved. The ':' character is optional (can be used to clarify the command line). If no filename is specified, KC will prompt you for one. -r[:] Filename/path+filename of the restorefile you would like KC to read options and restoredata from. If this flag is invoked without a following filename (i.e. "kc -r"), KC will assume a default filename of "restore". Also note that if this flag is specified, all other flags from the command line will be ignored. The ':' character is optional (can be used to clarify the command line). -1[:] The characters KC will be instructed to pre-pend to the front of each word tested, one single character at a time. For example, if you used the flag "-1:abc", each test would test each word as "aWORD", "bWORD", and "cWORD". -2[:] The characters KC will be instructed to append to the end of each word tested, one single character at a time. For example, if you used the flag "-1:abc", each test would test each word as "WORDa", "WORDb", and "WORDc". -z[:]