Gun Powder By The Mortician Sysop of The Morgue (xxx)xxx-xxxx Well the ingredients are: Potassium Nitrate 85% Carbon(Charcol) 12% Sulfur 3% They are rough percentages but try a little like that and play with it. The more Potassium you add the faster it iwll burn. Less sulfur slower. Less carbon the less it will burn. What you will do is just put them all in a mixing jar, I used a little cardboard box with low sides and then ground it up and mix together. You can get Potassium Nitrate at most drug stores. It is commonly known as Salt Peter. Have fun. The Mortician (xxx)xxx-xxxx CALL INFINITY'S EDGE: xxx-xxx-xxxx (300/1200 BAUD 10 MEGS) CRACKER JACK