Submitted by: fox- %******************************************% % This is truly a fun bomb! % % It was intended for a % % Friend who I wont say % % is a bad guy! he just wanted % % To get even with his princiable! % % % % HOW TO BUILD A INK BOMB!! % %******************************************% -Materials 5-10 ink pens! a film canaster 3 Eatates modle rocket engins or.. shootgun pouder..or..Gunpouder!{pick one or two or three!!} gasoline!! -Procedure open up the film canaster and fill it up to one centameter with gasoline NO MORE!! better less!! not to less though! -then put tape almost on the gasoline but not tuching it. tape it to the sides and across the gas so it's leek proof!! -then put the Gunpouder or shotgun pouder or engin pouder on the tape alot of it!! -Them more tape like befor on top of the gunpouder or what ever!! -Now cut open the pens and dump the ink out on the tape 5-10 pens should do it if not use more!!! -now.......YOU DONT NEAD THE TOP DONT PUT IT ON THE FILM CANASTER!! Right WHERE the gun pouder is drill a hole but DONT HIT THE GAS!!! OR THE INK!!! THEN PUT A FUSE IN IT NEXT PUT TAPE AROUND THE CANASTER BUT NOT ON THE FUSE AND MAKE THE FUSE NOT SO LONG JUST ANOUGH IT BURNS SLOW!!THEN MORE TAME LAYER IT SO " THE CANASTER WONT BLOW UP!! YOUR NOW SET!!!TO GO!! YOU ARE RESPONCIBLE FOR WHAT HAPPENS NOT ME!!! I TAKE NO PART IN IT!!! if you have any questions E-mail me!! Scincerly, Zero AKA:Fox- {the one and only}